Chapter 13: challenge accepted...

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It's logical that you thought that chenle and Jisung are now something since they confessed to each other, but it's unfortunately wrong.

They did confess to each other but Chenle was still hurt about what Jisung has done to him those past years, he wasn't as strong as he pretended to be. He was actually soft and very vulnerable and his little heart was easy to break.

'Let's take this slowly'

'I can't just forget about that in the blink of an eye'

'Maybe this is your chance to show me if you're worth to be my boyfriend or not'

This past conversation was repeating on the older's mind, he couldn't really stop thinking about it and the reason is also obvious.

It's the day.

The day where they have to travel to America and yes, Chenle was also there with them. They were pretty well known not only when they are surfing but also because of their social media accounts, James is super model while Jisung is a dancer. Well he used to be a underground dancer but the time was making it hard for the man to organize his activities with a plan.

He was always messy.

In real life and in his mind.

Loud cheerfulness, clamour and shouts were heard at the entrance of the airport of Busan. People weren't only trying to take pictures of them but also tried to touch them. 

James and Jj were at the front accompanied by the coach, and behind them were jeno and jaemin whom were holding hands, trying as much as possible to ignore the calls and tumult that was caused by the disrespectful fans. There were also other participants whom were at the back, but since they weren't that well known unlike James and Jisung, they were just being ignored and could walk freely without any of this mistreatment, and for the first time in their entire life they were thanking God for not being celebrities.

And there were Chenle and Jisung, Chenle was also well known since he's one of the richest people in Korea and China and also a young singer, but the young man was used to this kind of situation unlike Jisung who was really struggling at the moment.

He never has ever been in this kind of situation, he didn't even think that he had real fans, he knew that some TV reporters would be there but not that much of people.

Jisung wasn't someone who was into skin-ship and would most of the time try to avoid any kind of contact with people, plus he was someone who feared proximity and crowds were his biggest fear. He started panicking and shaking from all his upper body part, especially the hands.

Chenle noticed the distress of the other and took his hand firmly, and took one of his airpods off to give them to the taller, since his concentration will only be on the music and maybe forget about the noise that the people were making. With out thinking about it too much, Chenle started guiding the older to the place where they should be at but, then ran. It was the only thing that Chenle could think about, running was the only solution.

Loud screams.


Long walking.

And they finally arrived.

They made it in the plane without getting hurt, Jisung was still shaking a little bit but fortunately Chenle was there to cool him up and to make him forget about the pain and his fears. Chenle was the only medicine he needed in his life, honestly.

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