Chapter 19

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Loud cheers could be heard as the four boys were surfing the enormous waves of the clear blue ocean. The girls were completely chocked at how great their abs looked since they were being filmed by cameras that were projecting everything on a big screen placed just next to the public.

Only famous and skillful surfere were attending to that competition. Well that was a pretty important event from all of them because it'll help them get know better and learn from their mistakes and other surfers skill to get more experience.

Jisung and james were leading the way towards a huge wave, being chased by two other surfers- one of them was that Sky guy they used to talk to. They were enjoying the moment actually feeling relieved that the water wasn't that cold, the temperature was really the only thing that bothered them.

But Chenle was stressed.

He was so much worried about Jisung, he wanted him to win the competition and become the celebrity he wanted to become from the very first time he learned about surfing. The orange haired boy was praying with his whole soul for the taller to win and succeed in his career.

Jisung lifted his gaze from the surf board to look at James who had a smirk playing on his full lips, the later just nodded while sharing an eye contact with his friend ready to show the other surfers what they were capable of. One of those contests was Sky, and he was already so pissed since he was much less rapid than Jisung and James who were ready to make their best tricks and win the competition.

The blond boy tried getting close to James by standing on his surf board and sliding and playing with the little waves only to get mocked by the American boy who now was standing on his hands then ended with a whole back flip.

He could hear the cheers from the crowd from there and the comments of the MC since the man was using a mic.

"See that's what we call surfing" he blurted out clearly mocking the guy, then he followed his best friend who was now really close to that huge wave;

He let him lead the way (well he was more faster than him, so he couldn't really do anything about it), he stood on the board and came rapidly to the top of the wave, while he was doing that he jumped from it to take a good momentum and just then landed on it perfectly. 

"that's so hot of him honestly" whispered Chenle biting the tip of his finger anxiously.

He then stayed on top of the wave followed by the other three, James was doing some tricks but when the other that was in Sky's team tried doing one of the famous tricks he fell and got disqualified.

Jisung was really focusing on his speed, he was leading the way so it was all good, when he started sliding down he did a little snap and a bottom turn. He then moved forward and realized that he made it to the end of that big wave. 


A smile appeared on Jisung's face as he crawled over his board on his stomach getting closer to the beach, leaving all the girls screaming at how handsome and cute he looked.

I don't like this

"Y'all are really talented actually" stated Jay handing  a towel to James who accepted the offer with a huge smile plastered on his face. He was really happy and honored that his lover found him talented so he approached him from behind and whispered a little discreet "i love you" in his left ear leaving him completely red from frustration and timidity.

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