chapter 18

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My head was hurting like hell once I opened my eyes, damn... the sunlight is so strong that it almost made me blind. Before getting up I checked using my left hand to see if someone was laying next to me and thanks god, there was a body next to mine.

I would've killed him if he left me by myself, so I turned to face him only to find him already awake, my hand was still laying on his broad shoulder. He smiled a bit looking absolutely sweet, he took me by the waist and brought me next to him. I could admire each feature of his face, his plum lips, his beautiful eyes (I still don't get why is he saying that they're too small, they're perfect ) and his fluffy hair that I could play with all day long.

I bit my lips "Jisung, can I ask you a question?" I asked in a low tone looking at him right in the eyes before staring at his arm.

"I love hearing you pronounce my name, it feels so right coming from your mouth" he admitted while caressing my cheeks carefully as if I was fragile. "What is your question love ?"


"I've never seen your arm without this sport bandage, are you hurt. Because it's been more than five years that you've been wearing it" worry was sure obvious on my face and tone, I was really appealed by this bandage never leaving his arm.

I observed his facial expression and only hurt and sadness could be read on his face, did I do something wrong? "Jisung baby, is everything alright?" I didn't want to ask too many questions because I knew that he would either have a panic attack or get stressed, I know that he gets overwhelmed easily.

"Chenle.....I'm sorry...." he sat down normally on the bed, so I did the same so we can be comfortable in talking to each other. His eyes were glossy but that didn't mean that he was going to cry, he wanted to cry but no tears wanted to fall.

Poor baby, it breaks my heart.

"I came closer to him and advertised his head to my neck and started rubbing his back with my right hand, trying to calm him as much as I could. I missed him so damn much. I thought before going to talking to him.

"You know ji, you're not obligated to answer you can just take your time and-"

"No I'm going to tell you right now" he assured using a serious tone while lifting his head up so his eyes can meet mine. "You mean a lot to me, so I think that you deserve an explanation "

His gaze then fell to look at his bandage, he looked at me one more time before revealing what was under it. And I was horrified.

"Jisung" I said under my breath my vision started to get blurry as I realized what was he trying to do this whole time. I can't imagine my life without him so what if one day he just....

"I-I'm sorry lele" his look was more than apologetic, he took my hand in his and said "please don't cry baby, I swear that I no longer cut myself anymore, from the time that I realized that we could actually get back at being close to each other I promised to myself that I would never do such things ever in my life. Because I love you Chenle, I used to hate myself because of what I did, turns out you really have a big heart and forgave me for my childish actions. I promise that I will work on myself not only for you but also for me, you.... you helped me to love myself and I'm so thankful for you. I love you"

Tears were now rolling down my cheeks, I couldn't control my emotions. I cupped his cheeks without any hesitation and kissed passionately, getting my knees so I could lead the kiss and taste him better. I expressed my whole love for him through that kiss, affection was all we could think of. We broke the kiss to catch some air.

"I love you" I confessed "please don't ever do that again" I pleaded before being seated on his lap since he used his left hand to bring me their by my waist.

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