Chapter 17

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James and jay special chapter.


[sorry for the late publishing, i had some health problems, i hope you'll like the new posts ]

"What is so urgent for them to do to not answer my calls and messages, like come on! Are they dead" shrugged James walking to where jay was making his morning coffee.

"They're probably still sleeping, relax" answered the other one yawning, "besides not everybody does a morning workout at five like you, plus it's only 8 in the morning, that's not that deep" claimed jay after sipping on his coffee wearing an appeased smile on his face. 

"Can you pour me a little bit of coffee too?" asked James while sharing a quick eye contact with the other boy; Usually he wouldn't accept sharing at all, but since it's James who asked then, he can't really refuse it.

 "sure" has muttered the younger boy before getting on his tip toes to lift himself up so that he could get the cup of coffee, unfortunately he couldn't. Suddenly he felt a presence behind his back that was getting closer and closer, making him blush harder than ever; 

jay was suddenly thinking if either was he dreaming or really living this, because it really felt like a dream. A hot one.

this move was actually made on purpose by the older to get the other's attention, and everybody knew it. once he took the cup, he backed off a bit to let the smaller one turn around and face him. When they were facing each other, Jay opened his mouth, forcing himself to elaborate something to say about what happened, all the words and syllables trailed off into nothing comprehensive, the few letters that were heard off by the older man were much more sounding like moans and whining.

Feeling embarrassed by his fragile position, Jay broke the intense eye contact with the older guy, and instead looked at daegal that was playing with the kitchen towel that was laying on the floor; His head was then lifted up by a two slender white fingers that were pressed on his chin, making him look up to face James again. 

The reaction of Jay to james saying was really something that could lake his day, "I'm not going to eat you, you know"  unless you ask me to he said in english, raising one of his brows. His voice getting way more deeper than usual and that was a big turn on if you asked jay. 

"Tell me, why are you acting like this?" jay wasn't dumb, he knew what was the other boy doing. He wish he could do the same but he was scared...

scared of rejection.

"Acting like what" demanded the other one, looking at him right in the eyes, he put his hands on both sides of jay right in the counter, circling the younger. And that was also a big turn on.   

"like you- like you like me" a smirk appeared on James's face, still that 'acting like' was really bothering him, he wasn't acting like he like him at all.

"I don't act like i like you" jay was paying attention at what was the boy saying also staring at each feature of his face, he's handsome, "and neither do i like you" he said in a low tone, then he noticed the eyes of jay becoming glossy. He lifted his chin again, making it hard for the smaller to look at him, "I love you" 

that's it. He said it.

what a relieve! Thought jay.

He was about to say something in return to make sure that James knew that it was reciprocated, but he was only met with soft lips meeting his. It was a very innocent kiss, only love and admiration could be expressed in it. Both were closing their eyes, absolutely loving that feeling.



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