Chapter 12: confessions

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The two boys, sending looks to their friend, stood in front of the house- admiring that little and sweet interaction of the new friends.

"I still have to work in an hour and half, maybe we should see each other at the beach" heat was forming in his face while requesting that, so he just tried to play it off and act cool in front of the younger, he's the oldest and he's a man now so he should act like one. But the thought of him being embarrassed just by talking to a normal boy made him question things.

"Alright it's fine by me" agreed Jj looking at the brunette, then he advertised his eyes to his new friends and bowed a little "Hope we'll see each other there too" he said before leaving and sending a heart warming smile to the beanie boy who stopped working.

"Maybe we should go and start eating, yeah?" Inquired Jisung using a childish tone- just how he used to express himself back then that kind of idea also reminded them of the good memories of being together and doing absolutely crazy things without giving a care to the world.

Chenle seemed to like the idea, he smiled in response but soon his sweet expression turned into a shy one when the older took him by the wrist to intertwine their fingers- only to leave their poor stunned friend who was still processing the things that were happening, he had a lot of questions that he should answer as fast as possible.

"Yeah sure" managed to say the shortest in a whistle with a giggle being heard almost being muffled.

"Hey catch the ball" shouted Jaemin to his friend, he was so bored and the only thing that he found occupant was playing some ball game with Chenle, but the later wasn't so focused in the game, he wished he could ask Jisung to come and play with him but that was impossible, the other was busy filling his tasks and helping the life-savers in their tasks. Well he was a apprentice in the life-saving domain, so he was really busy and playing with his friend was just out of the question.

"Would you like us to play with you"

Two good looking guys, broad shoulders, nice abs with the shape and the liking of both of the two men that were almost drooling over that, Jaemin then remembered that he had a soon to be boyfriend so he stopped staring at what he shouldn't but remarked Chenle literally salivating over the heavenly sight.

Chenle immediately agreed and handed the ball to the one he found the most handsome, the guy approached Chenle with an incredible charm and charisma and said " My name is haruto by the way"

They shook hands- the other replied difficultly "I'm chenle it's very nice to meet you" his cheeks were getting pink and giving to the young man a cute look that was so hard to loath.

While those were introducing themselves, the other ones were not in so good terms- the stranger was too much tactile for the other's liking but he didn't say anything, he was planning to do something but his shy and timid attitude was really a problem.

"That was a good one" complimented James, Jisung who just got out of the water to give the dummy to Jeno, that was the exercise they had to do since the beach was kind of empty, that beach was known to be the perfect place to go surfing and not swimming, the swimming was something near impossible, the people usually get tired easily so the swimmers were really few.

Jeno handed the towel for his friend, looking around the beach to see if everything was going okay as it should. They weren't only responsible for the drowning but also for the lost of children and theft etc...

"Wait, wait, wait-" started Jeno squinting his eyes as hard as possible, so that he would be able to manage to see clearly what was exactly happening, Jisung wasn't really paying attention in contrary of James who also gazed at the same direction having no clue on what got the younger'a attention.

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