Chapter 16: Finally....

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"Should i go sleep now" muttered Chenle walking on the sand, with a lost stare gazing a the dark blue sea. There was absolutely nobody in the beach at that time-the boy believed that Jisung was going to come soon- he sat on a rock still looking at the beautiful sea still remembering what James told him about Jisung and how bad he reacted to that.

Now he was the one who was feeling guilty, staring at his toes with the same expression on his face; dejected. "Why am i so dumb?" he asked himself closing his eyes, listening closely to the sound made by the waves in the sea, it felt relaxing and easing;

"Don't you dare" a deep voice resonated out of nowhere creating shivers on his body travelling down his spin, he opened his eyes only to meet with the one and only Jisung. He didn't look contented at all, it looked like he was crying and that it wasn't enough of a crying time. Chenle just wanted to get up and to jump on the boy and hug him as hard as possible- but he couldn't, he felt paralyzed, like something was holding him back from going to the boy he loved and that was fear.

He feared rejection and the look of humiliation the guy was going to give him, he regretted doing that to the only person that is keeping him alive right now, the only person that stayed with him and kept the secret of his parents being abusive and aggressive, he didn't tell anybody of Chenle's dark secrets, he used to make sure that the boy was always comfortable wherever he was, he used to protect him at any costs. And now he felt humiliated, he felt sorry and ungrateful.

"Don't you dare call yourself stupid again, you hear me" A blush started rising on his cheeks, he felt the heat going up there but didn't bother to do anything about it since he was already busy looking at the handsome looking boy that was standing next to him. 

"Jisung" whispered Chenle quietly not really knowing what to say, he felt so little at the moment. He couldn't really speak in front of the boy, looking that intimidating was sure a hard thing to handle for him. "I'm really sorry....." his last stutters turned out into nothing, he barely could word the four first words. Why was he so timid?

'Come on Chenle, that's not a way to make up things between you two, you need to be confident in this kind of situation. Come on man up' 

"You have nothing to be sorry about" he spoke as he came right in front of the sitting boy, their eyes met at the moment that Jisung lifted up Chenle's chin to meet his eyes, their eye contact was such a time blocker, and it felt both amazing and terrifying for the two boys. They were afraid that the moment was just temporary or that  it was just a dream. It felt wonderful, so breathtaking and so unreal.

So unreal that Chenle had to bite his lip to see if it was real or just one of his stupid dream- and oh it was real, what made his blushing color darker "You look so pretty" stated Jisung forgetting what he was actually planning to say to the boy- getting closer to the younger boy patting his head and slightly playing with it not breaking their strong eye contact.

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