Chapter 14: Bruno??

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The English classes that i used to take when i was in high school genuinely helped me, i didn't think that i'll make friends here but here i am. Talking to a new friend that i just made, this was actually the reason and the goal of our coaches, we had to get to know our adversaries, and i could tell that they look really friendly.

I'm talking to a guy named sky-he's from California but is living here in Miami for the moment, we discussed some random stuff and i got pretty curious about his skill so he showed me some of his abilities and i must say that i was impressed his as good as me or maybe a little more. I didn't really envy him at the moment, i was just so impressed so i kept on encouraging and congratulating him when he told me about how many competitions he won.

Five in a row.

Sky is really the surfer everybody is trying to be.

we got to talk about college-while he was getting dry and we sat down for a bit on some sits from a restaurant. I was somehow hungry but couldn't say anything, however the guy has already called one of the waiters, i guess they know each others very well.*

While he was ordering all i could think about during that little time lapse was Chenle, i was thinking of how well he was placed around my arms hugging like there's no tomorrow, his angelic smile and figure who could make anyone coo at how adorable he's always looking. He's too good for my own health-

Once he finished talking to the waiter, his phone started ringing-it was placed on his swimming bag. All i could tell about that phone was that it was probably his girlfriend, since he was calling her "babe" while using the feminine pronouns, he must be one hell of a sweet boyfriend to his other half. 

And that made me think more about Chenle and all i could say was that if i didn't earn any cuddle or even a tiny hug from him before going to sleep then i would actually get really depressive, there are so many couples in this shitty restaurant, karma is a bitch for real. 

we finished eating our lunch, and went to the beach again. I got really excited since i saw Chenle but he wasn't paying attention to me, well maybe he didn't see me-so i decided to go to him but got stopped by two girls who looking like fish because of how much surgery they used on their lips, i mean i don't judge anybody but that low-key scared me and i didn't realize that Sky was actually behind, a girl appeared out of nowhere and went to kiss Sky-well i guess that she's THE girlfriend.

When they finished their quick make out session, she looked at me and said with a tender voice: "My friends here, asked me if you would like to give them your phone number" as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 

"and maybe spend the day together" continued one of the girls in a flirty way getting too close for my taste, she was also going to touch me but i could escape that vulgar intention;

I was thinking about something that i could use as a short, quick and none offensive reply but got really bothered and uncomfortable when one of them started looking for my abs and muscles line to draw them with her finger through my t-shirt. I removed her hand as fast as i could, Chenle was the only one who had the right to touch them and draw them. 

i couldn't stay that long with them-Americans have some weird ways to socialize i guess, i went looking for Chenle only to find James and Jj having their usual vibey moment with each other-and Chenle was out of sight. I didn't have a choice either than go and ask the couple about the boy "have y'all seen Chenle?" 

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