What It's Like Dating Wanda Maximoff

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- You two are high school sweethearts

- You were by her side when everything went down on Socovia with her parents and then again with her brother

- She sometimes tries to use her powers on herself to make herself forget but you have stopped her multiple times because "Your trauma makes you you and changing that might also change who you are as a person."

- Wanda uses her powers on you to help get you a little *turned on*

- When Cap and Tony were fighting you were also on team Cap with Wanda

- When Wanda went on the run with Vision you tagged along to keep Wanda company so that she didn't get sad without having you near

- When Vision died at the hands of Thanos, you stuck by Wanda's side again

- After the battle when Wanda dusted away, you didn't 

- But you fought till your own death

- When Wanda came back from the blip, she felt as if your death was her fault so she created a fake reality and held a town hostage so that she could bring you back to life just for her to have you by her side once more

- When Wanda came back from the blip, she felt as if your death was her fault so she created a fake reality and held a town hostage so that she could bring you back to life just for her to have you by her side once more

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