My Type- Steve Rogers

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was in the training room using the boxing gear. Sure, it was Steve's gear but it helped get my anger out. I punched and punched that bag until it practically fell apart on me. "You alright down here?" I heard a voice say as it entered the room. "Yeah, just training," I said all out of breath. "Wanna partner?" The voice asked as it came closer to me. "Sure," I said while turning around to see that it was Steve.

He started to wrap his hands so that he wouldn't hurt himself when he punched the bag. "Why is a guy like you single?" I asked while watching him get ready to spar with me. "It's hard to find someone with shared life experience," He said while he continued to wrap his hands. 

"What about you? Why is there no special guy following you around like a lost puppy?" He asked very sarcastically

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"What about you? Why is there no special guy following you around like a lost puppy?" He asked very sarcastically. "I don't know," I said while taking a few punches at the bag. "Not interested?" He asked while walking towards another bag. "No, too busy," I said while punching the bag even harder.

We kept training and sparing together until F.R.I.D.A.Y. told us to get ready for Tony's party that is in one hour. "I guess I will see you in a few," I said while taking off my gloves and grabbing my water bottle. "Yeah, see you there." 

I then got ready for the party. Sam and I were going together because he lived closer to me and I didn't have a ride. I decided to wear something comfortable but also cute. And of course, with the outfit, I wore the boots that I wear with everything.

I grabbed one of my leather jackets, my purse, and made my way out the door so I could wait for Sam to pick me up

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I grabbed one of my leather jackets, my purse, and made my way out the door so I could wait for Sam to pick me up. As I walked closer to Sam's car he rolled down his window. "Hey hot stuff," He said while lowering his glasses. I just rolled my eyes at him. 

This was an ongoing joke between us because my power is the ability to set things on fire. I'm basically the human torch except my whole body doesn't catch on fire, only my arms do. 

Sam and I got to the party safely and we walked in only to see that Stark Tower was packed. There were people everywhere. 

Natasha was at the bar with Clint, Thor was on the couch flirting with some girls, Bucky was in the corner looking out the window, Bruce was drunk with Rodey, Tony was dancing with Pepper, Maria and Coulson were talking with a drink in hand, and Steve was walking over to me.

"I think I'm gonna go say hi to Bucky," Sam said while walking away. I smiled and the smiled at Steve. "Hey, Cap," I said while hugging him. "You look amazing," He said while eyeing me up and down. "So do you," I responded.

"Wanna grab a drink?" I nodded and we headed over to the bar. We ordered our drinks and talked about missions. It was nice but also really boring. "What do you think of her?" I asked while glancing over to a girl across the room. "She's cute," He said while barely looking up from his drink. "How about him?" He asked while looking at some guy talking to some girl. "Eh, not really my type," I said while setting my drink down. 

"Wanna say hi to Tony?" I asked as he set his drink down. "Yeah, let's say hi to everyone," He said. We first said hello to Tony, then Nat and Clint, then Bucky, then Thor, then we helped Bruce find his way to the bathroom so he could puke, and then people started to leave because Bruce didn't make it all the way to the bathroom.

"I kinda feel bad for Bruce," I said while Steve and I walked. "He'll be okay," He said while looking over at me. I then looked over to him and could see he was smiling at me. "What?" I asked while trying to pull my leather jacket closed. "What about me?" He asked with a soft smile spread across his lips. "What about you?" I asked while letting go of my jacket. "Am I your type?" 

"Steve, what kind of question is that? I'm not gonna answer that!" I said in shock that he would ask such a thing. "Okay," He replied while looking away from me and smirking.

 "Okay," He replied while looking away from me and smirking

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"Why? Am I yours?" I asked while starting to walk slower. He smiled and then grabbed my hand and took me to a quiet corner of the room. He then gently pressed his lips to mine. 

"I'll take that as a yes," I whispered. "(Y/N)! We gotta go! It's late and I'm tired!" Sam yelled out to me. I rolled my eyes and walked away from Steve. 

"I will see you tomorrow Steve Rogers," I said as I left with Sam. "What was that about?" Sam asked me as we got in the car. "Don't worry about it," I said.

 "Don't worry about it," I said

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