Bad Choices Have Been Made- Frank Castle (SMUT)

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was in the backyard of my apartment complex with my dog. We were playing in the grass and she was barking really loudly. I went to go check what she was barking at and I stopped the second I saw who it was. 

"Frank, you can't be here," I said as the one and only Frank Castle was hopping the fence of my apartment complex and was walking over to me. 

"I know, I'm sorry. I have nowhere else to go and you are the last person on the planet that I know won't kill me," He said as I rolled my eyes. "How do you know I won't kill you?" "Because you would have already."

I connected my dog to her leash and then took Frank up to my apartment room. I live on the 3rd floor of this bougie ass apartment complex. I won't enclose how I paid for it exactly but I will tell you that I make a good living doing what I do and I don't need Frank to come here and ruin it all for me with his killing sprees and death.

"This is a nice place you've got here," Frank said as he set his backpack down as soon as we entered my large apartment. "Don't make yourself too comfortable. You won't be staying long," I said as he nodded and went to pick back up his backpack. 

"Where would you like for me to put this?" He asked as an annoyed husband might after coming home from a long day at work. "In my bedroom is fine. And take of your shoes by the door. You are tracking mud everywhere," I said as he nodded and slid off his boots.

"So, why are you here and not at some cheap motel or maybe with you cool lawyers?" I asked as he exited my bedroom and made his way over to my couch and sat himself down. "I sort of broke out of prison and am working on getting a new identity so I figured I would show up and ask if would help me hide just until I come up with a more permanate situation," He asked as I slumped down on the couch next to him. 

"One day." "That's all I need," He said as I nodded. "And because I don't need any of my friends in the building asking about you just say that you are my friend." "I thought I was your friend," he said as I smiled. "You thought wrong."

Frank and I sat on the couch for awhile and spoke about how his new name will be John whenever we are in front of other people. That way no one suspects him as Frank Castle. He is going to be John Whitlock. 

"Do you work?" He asked as I scrolled on my phone. "What? Why do you care?" I asked as he looked around the room from where he sat. "Well, I'm trying to figure out how you pay for a place like this." "I actually have work in a few hours so thank you for reminding me and I should go get ready," I said as I got up and headed over to my bedroom and got all my things in my backpack and then I took a shower and headed out.

"Before I go, just remember these things. Don't leave my place a mess. This isn't your home so don't treat it like it is and don't flirt with any of my neighbors," I said as I grabbed my car keys and left. 

I showed up at work through the back door and I set my things down in the locker with my name above it. I then headed to where everyone else was and I fixed my hair and makeup. "(Y/N), you are needed out front," My boss said as I nodded and then followed him to the front where the smell of alcohol and sex filled my nose. 

I looked throughout the room and the dirty old men sitting around getting lap dances grossed me out but then when I looked closer I saw them all slip a few hundred dollar bills in the women's bras and panties. 

I walked over to the pole that I was being called over to. I started to do my thing when I felt heavy eyes on me. 


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