Peace of Our Time- Steve Rogers

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was told at a very young age that when you get angry or upset, you tell someone and you talk about your feelings because that will help you get over it quicker. But, what if I didn't want to get over it?

I sat in Bruce's lab making a poison suitable for him, I then went to where Scott keeps his Pym Particles, I put both in my pocket as I then took one of the suits Tony made when we all went back in time to collect the stones.

The red and white were standing out on my body as I walked through the halls of the Avenger Compound and made my way to where they were keeping the time travel station. I pressed a few buttons on the control panel and then I stepped onto the platform.

"(Y/N)! DON'T DO THIS! YOU WILL REGRET IT!" Bucky yelled after me as he, Sam, Bruce, and Pepper came running after me. "NO! I HAVE TO DO THIS! HE HAS TO PAY FOR WHAT HE DID TO ALL OF US! IF HE DOESN'T THEN WHO WILL REAP THE CONSEQUENCES?" I yelled back over the sound of the machine blasting.

"HE DID! I PROMISE YOU THAT HE IS SUFFERING JUST PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME AS HE DID!" Bucky yelled as I shook my head. "I'm sorry," I said as I pressed the red button on my sleeve and left anyway.

When I arrived, I looked around and the cars passing by me swerved a little since they seemed to be in a state of shock as to what I was wearing

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When I arrived, I looked around and the cars passing by me swerved a little since they seemed to be in a state of shock as to what I was wearing. I saw the house in front of me so I went up to it and knocked on the door.

"Sousa? Could you be a dear and get the door?" I heard a British woman's voice call out. The door opened and a man stood in front of me. "Hello, can I help you?" He asked as I looked him up and down and did my best to look past him to get a glance at the inside of his home.

"I'm sorry, does a Steve Rogers live here?" I asked as he laughed. "Ma'am you must be confused but Captain Steve Rogers died about 2 decades ago," He said as I nodded. "Right, well, does a Peggy Carter live here by chance?" I asked as he nodded.

"Peg? There is someone at the door looking for you and Steve," Sousa said as He moved to the side and the gorgeous Peggy Carter stepped in front of me. "I'm sorry, but-" "Yeah, he's dead, I know. But if he weren't do you know where he might go?" I asked as Sousa and she just looked at me like I was crazy so I just left.

I walked around Brooklyn for a short minute before deciding to go to all the places where he might be.

"I knew I'd find you here," I said as I approached the man on the bench. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here? Is Bucky here?" He asked as I shook my head and got closer to him.

"No, I only brought enough particles for me to come here and get back home." "Just you?" He asked as I nodded and then I got even closer and I just punched him in the face.

He got up and I punched him again before he could even regain his strength. "FIGHT BACK!" I cried out as I continued to beat him. He didn't say anything. He just let me keep fighting him. "TELL ME YOU CAN DO IT ALL DAY!!! SAY SOMETHING!!" I yelled as I watched the blood pool out of his face in different places.

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