What it's like dating Peter Parker

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- Playing video games until the end of the world

- Cuddling because you love being close to him

- Him doing his best to tell you that he loves you every day

- You love stealing his sweatshirts and sweatpants

- "Can we have Chinese for dinner?" You asked while sitting on the couch next to Aunt May

- "We had Chinese last night!" He yelled from the kitchen. Peter was looking in the fridge to see what leftovers we had. 

- Peter ended up going to get May and me some Chinese

- Peter had to go to Germany but wouldn't tell you why. You had some ideas about why but you just let it pass.

-When he came back he was all banged up and bruised. 

- "You're Spider-Man," You said while cleaning up his blood from his cheek.

- "What? No, pfft!" He huffed. You rolled your eyes and then set down the towel. "You totally are aren't you?" You said while raising the towel closer to his face again. 

- "Yeah, yeah I am," He said why looking into my eyes

- Peter and I went on a school trip to Washington DC and I got trapped in the elevator but he caught me just in time.

- We went home and Peter and I were closer than ever before

- We go on Facetime every night and sometimes he sneaks out so that we can be together at night since he gets nervous that something will come and get me in the night as leverage against him

- Peter and I were out for a nice stroll when we saw some things happening outside in the streets

- Peter grabbed me and swung me around with him while he stopped some Aliens on the way

- He then set me down and I then watched him get beamed up to some spaceship

- I kept visiting May and Ned but on my way home I looked down and my body was disappearing

- I wasn't exactly sure what happened, it was like I was asleep

- When I woke up I was back on the sidewalk and people were hugging and crying

- I ran home and saw my family in tears. We hugged and then the next week I went to school.

- I walked in and immediately saw MJ and Ned, I gave them hugs and cried

- I hadn't seen Peter yet but I was excited to see him

- I looked around and then I saw him

- He practically leaped into my arms. I could tell that he had just lost a lot

- I convinced my mom to let me stay with Peter for the night so that he could tell me everything that happened when he was gone

- I cried, he cried, Aunt May cried

- When we were back in school we got excited because we were going to tour Europe and I think that will be very romantic

- Peter had to go for half the trip since these monsters were destroying Italy

- I got to help Happy and Peter get us all out of there but Peter had to catch some guy called Mysterio

- After he caught him we got home and Peter and I decided to go out for some afternoon swinging

- We stopped to take a breather and watch some news. That ended quickly when Peter's identity was revealed

- Peter and I freaked out and ran home

- We haven't left since

- We haven't left since

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