Far Away- Steve Rogers

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"What's a guy like me gotta do to get a girl like you to have fun?" Tony asked as I sat on the bar and he leaned against it. I just rolled my eyes at the playboy in front of me. "How about you buy me a drink first," I responded playfully. "Tony, leave the kid alone. She's had enough guys prying at her while her man is away," Natasha swooped in to save me from mostly Thor and Tony acting like I am now single just because Steve left for a mission a few weeks ago.

He would call and check in on me every few days but now I was getting a little depressed. Monday was training day and that meant Steve and I would walk hand in hand to the coffee shop down the road and then walk back so we could train and go over protocols. Tuesday and Wednesday were usually chill days unless Sam and Nat found a mission. Thursday was our whatever day. It was the day we got to do whatever we wanted. Friday was game night. I hated the game night for two reasons. Number one, I'm really competitive. Number two, I'm really bad at every game we play. Now that might also have to do with the fact that Tony always chooses what we play but all I know is I am in it to win it until I lose. 

Saturday is movie night. I absolutely love movie night because everyone showed up in matching pajamas or they would wear pajamas associated with their superhero alter-ego. Steve and I would always cuddle under a big floofy blanket. Sunday was brunch and then resting up for Monday. Throughout the week people would leave for missions and if there weren't enough people here then we wouldn't do most of the things throughout the week. 

Do you see the one thing shared throughout the week? No? Let me give you a hint. It's Steve and me. We spend every night and morning together. I mean, I would think we would after being in a relationship for so long. I've been with Cap ever since the battle in New York. I was an agent helping out Coulson but then Nick recruited me to be an avenger. 

"(Y/N)! There is a call on hold for you in the Lab!" Bruce called through the intercoms. I knew it was Steve's check-in so I ran to the Lab as fast as I could. "Hey, Baby," I said with a smile as I saw his face on FaceTime.

 "What are you doing today?" He asked with a smile as big as mine

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 "What are you doing today?" He asked with a smile as big as mine. "Today is Friday, so game night," I said with a now upset look upon my face. 

"Don't worry, Doll. You will be fine. I promise that you will win," He said with a very calm expression. "When do you get home? I feel like you have been gone for weeks," I said as I felt I was about to cry. "That's cause I have been gone for weeks. I get home tomorrow. My Sunday, Your Saturday," He said with a smile. I really missed his hugs and his smiles. I nodded and then he hung up. 

"(Y/N)! Get your ass in here! We are playing Uno!" I could hear Tony's voice ecco through the halls he didn't even need the intercoms. I slugged my way back to the main room and sat down on the floor next to Nat. Tony sat next to Bruce and Pepper, Thor sat on the couch with his box of almost empty pop tarts. Everyone else was on the mission with Steve. 

We each took a handful of cards and then we started. "Haha, reverse," Bruce said to me as he set his card down. I then had to take four cards since I had made him take four. Tony then silently set down a blue 2 card and I had four of each 2 so I set them all down. Everyone then looked at me in shock. I looked down as well and saw that I was only holding one card. 

"UNO!" I screamed. This has never happened to me before. I was actually winning. Then Bruce started to giggle. I didn't think much of it but then he threw down a few cards. "Take four cards, redo turn, take four cards, redo turn, and take four more cards," I took 12 cards and slumped back into my seat. 

Then I looked at Natasha and she was covering her mouth with her cards and she had an obvious smile. "Great are you going to end me as well?" Everyone then looked behind me and I just sat there in confusion. When I finally turned around I was so happy that I dropped my cards. 

"You dropped your cards," He said while I jumped onto him and held him tightly

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"You dropped your cards," He said while I jumped onto him and held him tightly. Thankfully he had his arms around me otherwise I would have fallen completely on the floor. He then set me down and Nat stood up with a worried look. 

"Barton?" She asked while looking at Wanda and Bruce hugs, Sam and Thor high five, and Tony and Bucky shake hands. There was no sign of Clint. Natasha covered her mouth like she was about to cry. I started to walk over to her but then I decided not to. 

He came up from behind her and picked her up. She screamed as her legs swung around. "CLINT! PUT ME DOWN!" Nat yelled at her best friend. "Oh, I see how it is. You go from crying over my dead body to yelling at me," He said with a hurt expression. She slapped his arm and then we all headed to bed. It was a long day and an even longer night.

As Steve and I walked up the stairs I held his hand and swung it. "Did you know that I was this close to winning Uno," I said while putting my other hand up and showing my pointer finger and my thumb almost touches. "wow, babe. That is amazing I am so proud of you," He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and we head to bed.

 I rolled my eyes and we head to bed

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