chapter 3: kiss

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i got to the shop and i had been crying while walking there, i just couldn't deal with Nate anymore. He treated me like i was like my sister but i'm not at all. Ash looks at me and his face drops "wtf are you ok McKenzie", he asked looking me in the eyes, "don't call me McKenzie", i responded through tears, "sorry", he whispered. "i swear Kenz i'll kill someone if they've hurt you" fez said walking up to me. "no ones purposefully hurt me fez, just someone treating me like my sister again". i sat down and ash passed me a joint and a beer, "thanks", i said quietly smiling at him, he smiled back and walked off to get himself something to drink... fez and ash sat next to me and started asking questions "who was it" "what did they say" "where were you"  etc etc. "it was Nate ok, he basically asked me to fuck him like i'm my sister, i pushed him away and walked off but i'm so fed up of his shit", "Nate fucking Jacobs",fez basically shouted and he started pacing. "calm down fez" ash said as he nudged closer to me.
"can i stay with you two tonight, i don't wanna deal with my sister", i asked. "of course, lemme get the car started we'll go home', fez replied as he walked out to the car...

ash looked at me and smiled "glad your staying with us tonight", he said, "yeah i'm glad i'm staying too" i replied, i looked at him and i don't know what it is about him, i just want to kiss him, but i'm not going to i can't cause of fez if things between me and ash go weird things between me and fez will be weird. "so, what's ash short for", i sat up and smiled at him, i needed to start a conversation, "ashtray aha, when i was a baby i a-", "YO DUDES LES GO", fez screamed from outside. me and ash stood up and he turned to me like he was going to say something but instead he leant over and kissed my cheek, "your gorgeous", he whispered and walked outside to get in the car.. ffs i like him even more now.

we got to fez's and had some food. i didn't have any clothes to sleep in so i asked fez if i could borrow a top or something. "you can borrow something of mine, it'll fit you better", ash said. he walked into his room and came out with a pair of joggers and a top. "thanks, i'm gonna get changed in the bathroom", i walked into the bathroom and got changed, the top was oversized and the joggers barely stayed up but it was comfy. i walked out and sat on the couch next to ash, fez came and sat down and turned to me, "where am i gonna sleep?" i asked, they didn't have a spare room here so i thought i'd be sleeping on the couch. "if it's alright with you i thought you could sleep in ash's room", fez replied looking between me and ash and ash smiled, i smiled too trying to hide it but failing, "yeah that'll be just fine", i replied quietly.

we were getting ready to go bed and fez asked ash to go speak to him in private, i know i shouldn't but i followed them, they were in the living room and i hid round the corner. fez started speaking to ash, "look i know you like her and it's obvious she likes you, make a fucking move", fez whispered, ash just laughed a bit, "go get that girl", fez said a bit louder and patted ash on the head. i ran back into the room and opened my phone acting like i had been there the whole time. ash walked in and fez shouted night as he walked past to his room. me and ash stayed up all night talking, opening up to each other. it was around 4am and i pulled up my phone and opened snapchat, i went to take a photo when ash grabbed my phone out my hand started recording and kissed me. i pulled away after a few seconds and smiled at him, he moved a piece of hair out my face smiled back at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips, "let's go to sleep now, you can sleep in my bed if you want", he spoke quietly and looked me in the eyes as he said every word. i lay down in his bed and he lay down next to me. i put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me. "goodnight Kenz", ash whispered and kissed my forehead, "goodnight", i whispered before closing my eyes and going to sleep.

thank ya'll for so many reads, not felt well today so it took me a while, i'm gonna try and write chapter 4 and start 5 today as i'm out tomorrow and won't be able to write much <3

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