chapter 14: Headache

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i woke up in ash's bed, ash sat on one side of me, fez on the other. "OMG KENZIE", ash shouted when i opened my eyes, "shut the fuck up my heads banging", i groaned. "sorry", he whispered, "how are you feeling". "um not so good, my side feels like i've been stabbed, my head is banging and i feel like i just died", i look down and see ash is holding my hand tight. "ok well we've cleaned your side and bandaged it, if you want to go the hospital you can", "i'm ok i think", i smiled up at him and grabbed my side. "can i have something for the pain though", i whined, this shit hurts.

ash gives me some painkillers and we put the tv on, "you won't be getting out of bed for a few days, maybe even weeks", ash said as i cuddled up to him, "ok but what about if i need to shower", i said, i can't stay in bed for a week. ash thought for a minute, "i'll help you, i'll bath you, and help you get changed, anything you need", he smiled. "you sure?, i could always just go home and have my mum look after me", i don't wanna be a burden on him, i mean we've been together a good few months now but we're 15.. that's a bit young, no, i'm happy and so is he. "it's fine, stay here", he leans down and kisses my forehead, i don't say anything back just give him a quick kiss and cuddle into his chest, eventually falling asleep.

I woke up again around 4am. I have a headache again and my side is hurting, Ash is fast asleep next to me, i shouldn't bother him. I stand up to try and make my way across the room to the painkillers, as soon as i stand up i feel a burning pain in my side. This probably isn't the smartest idea i've ever had, oh well i can't wake up Ash, that's just mean.

Eventually after about 10 minutes i make it to the waters all the way back over by the bed. I'm almost at the bed when i trip on something, i fall over and land on the floor in a lot of pain. "FUCK FUCK FUCK", i'm shouting and i don't care, i feel bad cause i know i'm gonna wake everyone up but i'm in so much pain. Ash shoots out of bed and looks around before spotting me on the floor crying cause of the pain. Fez bursts threw the door at the same time. "fuck sake McKenzie, smart idea, why the fuck didn't you wake us", Fez runs over and starts to slowly sit me up, "i don't know, i felt bad", i flinch cause of the pain and Fez immediately loosens his grip on my sides, "sorry i just don't want you to hurt yourself".

I get back on the bed and take my painkillers, "ok you ok now?", Fez asks standing by the door. "i think, thanks for getting me up", i smile at him before he walks back to his room. "what the fuck", Ash sighs laughing a bit, "your an idiot know". i know he's not being mean cause he's laughing a bit as he says it. "i know i know i jus- i-", i decide to tell the truth, "you looked so cute sleeping there, i couldn't bother you". i grab a pillow and cover my face in embarrassment, i can hear Ash laughing from next to me. "omg Kenzie, are you serious", he moves the pillow from my face looks into my eyes. "i love you Kenz", he whispers before kissing me, it's a deep kiss, a passionate kiss.

I kiss him back, leaning more into it. People will say we're young or it's too early whatever, i love him. We've been through so much.

After a few minutes of a deep passionate kiss, Ash pulls away, he moves a piece of hair from my face. "go to sleep now Kenzie, you need to recover", he whispers before wrapping his arms around me and lying down.

I'm a virgin, and yes ok i'm only 15 but, i feel like i might be ready...idk. i really love Ash and i think he's the one...ugh idk.

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