chapter 6: sick

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we got to Fez's and ash opened the door, fez was asleep on the couch so we sneaked past as quietly as possible and went to the kitchen. we grabbed some sodas and snacks before heading to ash's room. he threw one of his t-shirts at me and i put it on, i'm not scared to change in-front of him. i was pulling the t-shirt down when i looked at ash, his eyes were wide and he was just smirking, "hey face is up here", i joked and he stood up and walked over to me. he grabbed my waist and gave me a quick kiss. "let me finish getting ready", i whined and he lay on the bed. he turned the TV on and put a scary film on. after i got ready i got on the bed and lay next to him, he put his arm round me and kissed my forehead.

about halfway through the movie there was a jump-scare, it scared the shit outta me and i threw my head into ash's chest, he started laughing so i hit his chest, "it's not funny" i whined and he lifted my head up looking me right in the eyes. "your right i'm sorry i owe you an apology", he replied. i nodded my head and said,"yes you do". "ok, what do you want me to do?", ash asked. "hm you know the carnival tomorrow night?", i asked, "yeah", he looked confused. "i say you go to he carnival with me", i smiled at him and he thought for a second before replying, "i'm already going, i'm working the pretzel stand", he looked at me with a cheesy smile, we both knew we was just selling molly but oh well."after you've sold your 'pretzels' you can go on a few rides with me, maybe give me and my friends some free drugs?", i smiled at him and he rolled his eyes. "ok, fine". yayy.

the door opened and fez walked in. "enough lovebirds", he said, very clearly high, "Kenzie can stay again but no funny business dude", he turned to ash. "ok dad", ash laughed. fez walked out and ash kissed my cheek and smiled at me, "goodnight beautiful", he whispered, lying down. "goodnight handsome", i replied laying down next to him. he put his arm around me, "god i love you", he mumbled, half asleep. did he just- did he just say he LOVED me- what. i decided to not overthink it as he was only half awake so i gave him a quick kiss before turning over and falling asleep.

i woke up in the morning and i turned over and gave ash a kiss before attempting to get up and ready, i pushed myself up and ash pulled me back down by my waist. "nope, stay here for a bit longer", ash angrily mumbled. "ok 5 more minutes", i replied lying down and picking up my phone, i went on snapchat and started taking photos of me and ash. i started filming a vid to send Cassie and ash started to wake up, he saw my phone and hid his face in my neck. i laughed and stopped filming putting down my phone. i couldn't stop thinking about last night, maybe i love him to but isn't it too early to say it?

after a bit ash woke up properly and looked up at me "morning", my god i love his sleepy voice, "good morning sleepy", i replied. we put the tv back on and everything was going fine i was having the best morning ever when i felt like i was gonna be sick. "ash i feel sick", i groaned, he lay back down next to me.

i ran to the bathroom and threw up, i was in the bathroom for a few minutes when ash walked in. he sat next to me and moved my hair, "are you ok Kenz", "i think yeah just a bit sick", "ok, i'm gonna get you some food, your staying here today". i smiled and walked to the bedroom, i put the TV on and just curled up in the bed. ash walked in with a glass of water and some toast, he passed me the food and sat next to me. i tried to eat but just couldn't keep anything down. i curled up into ash, i feel so bad, what if i can't go to the carnival tonight. "what if i can't go tonight", ash looked at me and smiled, "it's fine i promise", he replied,"we'll figure something out". he kissed my cheek and started playing with my hair, "i'm gonna get some sleep, hopefully it will make me feel better", i whispered and closed my eyes. ok yes i love him but i can't tell him, he probably doesn't even remember last night.

sorry it's not that interesting, more of a filler chapter, preparing for the next chapter :)

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