chapter 17: FUCK YES

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i woke up the next morning and remembered i needed to tell Ash, i sat up and immediately felt sick. i ran to the bathroom and threw up for 10 minutes straight. "hey princess, you alright?", Ash walks in and sits next to me. i had put my pregnancy tests in a draw in the bathroom and locked it. "i think", i manage to whisper between throwing up. "do you know what's caused this?", Ash asked pulling my hair back.

i point to the draw with the tests and Ash tries to open it, it's locked obviously, "it's-uh, in the..the- bedside door", i stutter between gags.

he comes back a few seconds later and unlocks the draw, he steps back and covers his face with his hand, "holy fuck", he says very quietly picking a test up, "rea-really", i looks at me and holds the test up as if i've not seen it before. "yes really". i've not thrown up for a few seconds so i sit up and look back at him, trying to smile.

after a few minutes we go back into our room and sit on the bed, "ok so should we talk about it?", i ask leaning back to get comfy. "probably", "ok so um, firstly are we keeping it". i wanna keep the baby but are we ready, is it the right time?? "fuck yes", Ash says, his eyes wide, "oh sorry, if you want", he adds calmly.

after a few minutes of talking we decide to keep the baby. "how are we gonna announce it", i start fidgeting with a bracelet, "i mean we can just tell Fez and them but what about my sister and mum", i sound a bit whiny cause i'm nervous. "yes i'll help you, i'll be with you, i promise", he grabs my hands and gives me a quick kiss. "me and Fez make enough money i guess, if you got just like a small job maybe if you want to we should have enough", Ash says with a reassuring smile. "yeah, i'll work at the waffle house or something", i add laughing slightly at the thought.

we decided to tell Fez so we quickly get ready and walk out, "FEZ", Ash shouts as we walk into the living room. "yeh bro", Fez sounds high, as always. we sit on the couch across from his, i have the pregnancy tests in my pocket and i have my hand on the so i can pull them out. "what's up guys?", he asks looking at us intently. i pull the tests out and hand them over, "FUCK SHIT YES", Fez was shouting standing up very quickly, "REALLY?", he smiles and looks over at us.

"yes Fez, calm down", i laugh and turn to Ash, "is he okay", i giggle, Fez isn't like this a lot. Fez comes over and hugs us both, "i'm gonna help you both with this, the baby can have a room here", he's pacing at this point... lord help me.

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