chapter 8: Nate

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(TW: mentions of @bus3)

we got back to Fez's and went to bed like usual, i woke up in the morning and ash was already up for once. i couldn't see him in the room but i could hear him in the kitchen, i got up and walked out to see ash in the kitchen cooking. "morning gorgeous girl", he smiled not taking his eyes off the food, "morning", i walked over to him and hugged him, i'm quite a bit shorter than him so my arms go perfectly round his waist. he put his arm over my shoulder and kissed my head. i went and sat at the table looking around for fez but i couldn't see him. "where's Fez?", i asked curiously, "oh he's gone to see um someone", ash replied, "oh ok", i responded, i've learnt to not ask too many questions, i mean fez is a drug dealer.

ash made us some bacon, eggs and toast and coffee, we sat at the table eating and talking. "someone is coming here later, i don't want you to be here when he's here it's not safe", ash looked at me dead serious. "yeah ok, i'll need to go home and get some clothes anyway, can i stay again tonight?", "yeah of course i'll message you when the guys gone".

we got ready and watched some TV when the door went, it was Rue. we let her in and she watched some TV with us and bought some drugs. the door went again, ash went out and ran back in so quick. "girls hide in Fez's grandmas room, please", the look of terror in ash's eyes scared me so much. "why, what's going", Rue asked. "i can't tell you right now i just need you to hide". me and Rue sat in Kathrine's room (Fez's grandma). about 20 minutes later Rue decided to try and run out, she got out fine, i ran out too, i got out fine. on my way out i saw a almost fully tatted older guy sat on the couch. he doesn't seem safe.

i got home and messaged ash so he knew i was ok.

lover boy <3

-hey, sorry i ran out, me and Rue got a bit restless and couldn't stay quiet so we ran out, i know it was dangerous but please don't be mad, i'm home and ok, message me when the people are gone and i'll come back over. <3

he didn't respond straight away, probably cause of the guys that were there so i wasn't too worried.

i went to see Maddy and speak to her, i walked into her room and i could hear her in the bathroom. i walked in and looked at her. she was crying and covering some bruises on her neck with makeup. "wtf Maddy who did that", i tried to be quiet but i was so angry it was difficult. me and my sister don't always get along but if someone fucks with one of us, they fuck with both of us. she doesn't say anything, she just turns and looks at me. "don't tell anyone Kenzie please", she looked so sad. "i promise i won't, just tell me who it was". she went quiet for a minute before wiping her eyes and hugging me. "it was Nate Kenzie, i fucked up last night and he got angry", i'm gonna fucking kill him.

after hugging for a few more seconds she backed up. "i won't tell anyone Maddy but i need to speak to Nate, i'm done with his shit", i grabbed my phone and Maddy went to lay down on her bed

lover boy <3

-it's ok Kenz i'm not mad, you ok?
-yeah i think, can i borrow something and can you do me a favour?
-sure what is it
-can i come over?
-ok see you soon

"ok maddy we're going to Fez's, i'm sorting this", i grabbed her hand and dragged her out. "why Kenz, what if they see the bruise", she put her hand over her neck and looked at me. "that's the point Fez and Ash are gonna help Nate understand he can't do this".

we got to Fez's and walked in, ash walked over and hugged me then looked at maddy. "is she ok", he whispered. "not really that bastard Nate hurt her last night, her neck is bruised", i whispered back. i explained everything to Fez and ash and asked for some help, "what do you want us to do, we'll do it", Fez replied. "i want you to scare him, whatever you need to do, do it", i looked at Maddy and she looked so sad. "i also want a gun, for me and Maddy to keep on us incase he tries something again", maddy's jaw dropped and Fez sighed. "i don't know if i can do that Kenzie", fez said. "please, i don't feel like me or Maddy are safe by ourselves", i looked at ash and then at Maddy. "fine". fez replied, "but not right now".

we spoke about a plan for a bit then Fez took Maddy home and i stayed with ash, "i'm so glad your ok", he kissed me and put his arm round me. "i'm not leaving your side, Nate is dangerous and i don't trust him", ash said pulling me tighter to him. "i don't trust him either, i wanna fucking kill him", i responded, my head on his chest, "same", he whispered before putting on the TV. we both fell asleep there, we were both exhausted.

i want to change this storyline up a bit in my book, make it different than the show if that makes sense :).

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