chapter 13: new years pt.2: beaten

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we went back to the house first to get changed. a cute little dress

 a cute little dress

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and some heels

 i did my makeup

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. i did my makeup

and curled my hair

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and curled my hair.

we got to the party and walked in, "have you seen Cassie?", Lexi asks running over, "no sorry", i said walking past. Maddy walks out of the bathroom, "you ok Kenzie", she said as she walked up to me,"bit revealing that dress isn't it". "don't even start with me"i walked past her towards the bathroom,"and yeah i'm fine", i fake smile at her and walk into the bathroom. "omg", i say to myself locking the bathroom door. "Kenz is that you", i heard a voice whimper quietly from the bath, i walked over and in the bath was Cassie. "omg Cas everyones been looking for you", i grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "i don't want to speak about it right now, can i tell you a different time", she said, i could see the tears on her face, "of course", i give her a hug and go to open the door, "go make sure your sister knows your ok". she walks out and i sigh, what else could happen tonight.

i walk out and see rue walking down the hall so i follow her, she walks into a room and i follow closely behind. there was a boy in there, "who the fuck are you", i kind of shout, rue turns around, "oh your here to", she stutters clearly high. "i'm here to fix the washer", he said hitting the washing machine and smiling. "heres a deal you tell me what drug you'r doing, i'll tell you what i've done", rue says, she turns to me and realises she's just admitted to being high in front of me.

they tell each other the drugs and rue walks over to the washer and snorts something, "i'm rue", she said sitting on the floor, "i'm elliot", he said also sitting down. i go and sit down and elliot turns to me, "my names McKenzie, but i will punch you if you call me that", i say smiling. rue laughs, "you can call me Kenz or Kenzie", i say. we do some drugs.. i know i'm not proud of myself, rue and elliot carry on doing drugs but i decide to leave.

i walk out and into the main room, i look outside and see ash speaking to some people, i turn and see fez sat on the couch speaking to Lexi, they're cute, i should get them together.

i walk outside and see Nate stood by the pool, being high out my head and with my normal perez attitude i walk over. "hey jerk", i shout walking over with a beer in my hand, "you can't keep away can you", he smirks. "oh get to fuck Jacobs", i step up and i'm an inch away from him at this point. "step back", he growls, "or what, you gonna choke me like you did my sister", i look up at him and take a swig of my beer. he grabs the bottle of beer out my hand and throws it next to him, the bottle smashes and everyone turns our direction. i remember a few weeks ago Maddy told me about him having dick pics on his phone so i think of something to say. "that all you got faggot", i smile at him (author note: i am bisexual, i can say faggot and Kenzie's bi aswell). "shut the fuck up", he says stepping forward making me step back, i turn around and i'm a few inches from the pool at this point. "does that bother you Nate, me calling u a faggot, like father like son". it's like his eyes went red, i immediately regretted what i had said.

Nate pushes me and for some reason i try to turn and my side hits the pool edge, i feel the edge cut into my ribs and i feel like i can't breathe. it felt like i was flying, i was high, angry, bleeding and drowning. everything i hear is muffled but i can hear ash's voice, "what the fuck", he screams, he sounds close. i feel someone grab me and pull me out the pool, i take a deep breath and look at my side, i have a huge slash like i knife has slashed me on my side and it's pouring blood. my vision starts to blur but i see fez running over, he pulls his jumper off and ash presses it agains my side. someone passes me a drink and i drink it, i do feel a bit better after and my vision clears up. i sit up agains a wall and ash helps me put pressure on the cut. i turn my head after hearing some shouting, i look just in time to see fez grab a bottle from a table and smash it over Nates head, Nate falls to the floor and fez keeps beating him, i pass out.

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