chapter 22: custer

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*a few months later*

the past few months have been well... interesting.

Lexi and Fez have been speaking daily, apparently Lexi's writing a play.. Rue and Jules split up, they haven't spoken and Rue fell out with Elliot. Rue exposed Cassie and Nate sleeping together, Maddy is pissed... and upset. i've turned into her therapist. Faye is still living with us, she's been acting very odd recently. the twins are 3 months old now and they've started laughing, it's so cute...

Lexi :)

-hey Kenzie, you coming the play, it's starting in 10 minutes

-sorry Lex i can't i need to watch the twins, i'll get Maddy to send me vids though, Fez is getting ready.

-okay, see you soon

"ok Fez you need to get ready". he's putting on his shirt when the door goes, "Ash, door", Fez shouts through the house, the door opens and Faye's boyfriend, the scrawny lad from new years, my dads old assistant... Custer, walks in. "i'm going out", Fez tells him, sort of letting him know he's not got time for this. Custer just nods but i notice something, he's pushing something into the plants on the side...

he walks over and takes a seat on the couch positioning his phone oddly on the table... i don't like how this is looking.

Faye is sorting the rest of Fez's clothes out when he walks into his room to get ready. "Faye, come here", Custer whispers over. me and Ash are sitting in the room across from the living room feeding the babies. Custer doesn't notice us but he's directly in our view. Faye walks over and Custer starts whispering into her ear, Ash hasn't noticed yet so i nudged his arm and nodded in the direction of them. his eyes widened and i could see the suspicion? anxiety? anger? i'm not sure in his eyes but it was something.

"Faye come here for sec", Fez shouted from his room, Custer said one more thing to Faye before she walked away to help Fez. after Faye walked away Custer dropped his head into his hands, he lit a cigarette and started smoking... right next to the babies crib. i walked over so i could move the crib away and as i got close i noticed him chewing his bottom lip anxiously. he notices me walking up and he takes a deep breath. "so you got kids", he points to the crib i'm picking up, "yeah twins, they're 3 months old". i'm trying to keep the conversation short but he carries on, "your a kids yourself right, 15". fuck sake. "16", i reply bluntly. i walk away before he can say anything else.

"what the fuck is he up to", Ash quietly asks, "i don't know he's being really weird though, maybe you should go over there and watch him or something". Ash just nods and walks over to the living room, he sits down in a chair and stares at Custer intently. Custer starts trying to have a conversation but Ash is just being cold, staring.

finally Fez walks out of his room with some flowers and a note. i've never seen him dressed up before, "lookin good dude", he looks expensive. "thanks Kenz, ok i'm leaving, behave". he grabs his phone and car keys before walking out.

Maddy texts me a few minutes later.


-this is amazing, Lexi's amazing, the play is about our group though like us.

-oh shit, she mention Cas and Nate?

-yep, she outed Nate with a gay locker room scene

-oh shit sounds like i'm really missing out on something, Fez is on his way there, i'll msg you later :)

i decide i want to see if i can get any info out of Faye. "hey Faye can you help me with something?", i look over to her knowingly and she shuffles over nervously. "what's up", she asks, sitting next to me. "tell me what's going on with Custer, he's being weird". i look at her and she takes a deep breath looking down at the floor. after a few seconds she looks up, "you don't want to know, you'll find out soon". with that she turns and walks into the kitchen not saying a single other word....

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