chapter 15: the night

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*3 weeks later*

Me and Ash have a date tonight, i don't know where we're going but i'm excited.. i also thing tonight might be *the night*.

I let myself sleep in today, i got up at 2. We have to be at the place for 4:30 so i started getting ready immediately.

i had a shower first then I picked out a cute but revealing dress

i had a shower first then I picked out a cute but revealing dress

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and some heels

, i just did some light makeup and curled my hair

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, i just did some light makeup and curled my hair.

by the time i was finished it was 4:15 so picked out a jacket

by the time i was finished it was 4:15 so picked out a jacket

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and wait for Ash in the living room, he's been out all day.

At 4:35 Ash walks in, "you ready Kenz?", as he gets closer he sees my outfit, his eyes travel up and down my body as he takes in my outfit, i've not got out of pyjamas since new years. "shit, um, wow, you look, well, fucking gorgeous", he walks closer and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in and kissing me. "ok we're gonna be late", i remind him standing back and grabbing my purse.

We get to the place and it's a nice restaurant, not too fancy but fancy. we get to our table and order our drinks, i just get a water. when we order food i just order some pasta and Ash gets some sort of meat dish, i don't know.

we laugh and talk and eat, the food was amazing. "should we head back?", Ash asks finishing a glass of water, "yup", i respond. Ash pays the bill, it wasn't that bad but not cheap and we head home.

it's like a 15 minute drive, we listen to music and sing the entire time. we get back and i immediately change into one of Ash's tops.

we get into bed and put a film on, after a few minutes i decide just fuck it and i lean up and start to kiss him.

*the next morning*

i wake up feeling great, i was right.. last night was *the night*. i wake up in just a pair of shorts and a bra. "morning beautiful", i felt his breath against my neck, "good morning", my voice is croaky as i just woke up. i went to stand up so i could get ready for the day but Ash pulled me back down, "5 more minutes", he groaned, "fine".

writers note: i am not going to give ya'll smut, THEY ARE MINORS! i do not feel comfortable with that

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