chapter 20: prince&princess

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*2 weeks later*

i'm 38 weeks today, i'm so excited to meet my babies. i woke up this morning feeling a bit odd. after being up for a few hours i started getting contractions and eventually my waters broke.

i was in hospital for around 4 hours before they did and check and i got some news i was dreading, "ok McKenzie cause of the position of baby girl your gonna need an emergency c-section, we'll get you ready now". i look at Ash and the fear in his face makes me even more anxious than i already was. um what...

i'm 16 in a month... can my body handle this. i got an epidural and i got taken to the theatre room. Ash sat next to me and held my hand. after a few minutes i heard a cry, "that's baby A", the nurse told me. "that's our little princess", Ash says, tears down his face. a few more minutes pass, "baby B is out", the nurse shouts, "our little prince", ash is crying even more now. i couldn't hear the baby crying, "is he okay", i ask nervously. "yes he's fine just a bit of gunk causing him to struggle crying, he's fine though", the nurse assured me.

after a few more seconds he started crying, "thank god", ash sighs squeezing my hand. "i love you", i whisper to him, tears down both our face, "i love you more", he responds kissing my forehead.

they stitch me up which takes a while then i go into my recovery room. the babies are healthy so they get to stay in the room with me, i tried breastfeeding but they wouldn't latch so i'm formula feeding.

"they're so cute", Fez says walking into the room, "congrats guys", he adds giving us both a hug. Maddy follows him in, "the best aunty and uncle are here", she sings hugging me tight.

"so names?", Maddy asks holding baby girls hand. "ok so baby girl is called Marie Jaylyn", i smile at Ash, "omg you named her after my grandma", Fez gasps his eyes tearing up. "yes she was a big part of yours and Ash's lives, she deserves it".

"and baby boy is Milo Mouse, Mouse is well.. was my dad", i give Ash a look and mouths "sorry", "and Milo goes with Marie i guess", i laugh a little. "what about last names?", Fez asks. "O'Neill", i tell them picking up my son.. wow my son. "mine and my grandmas last name", Fez actually starts crying. "yes", ash is crying too.

i decide to post a photo on insta to announce the birth.


❤️100 💬34caption: the babies are here meet Marie Jaylyn O'Neill weighing 5lbs 2oz, 18 inches long and Milo Mouse O'Neill weighing 5lbs 9oz, 20 inches long

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❤️100 💬34
caption: the babies are here meet Marie Jaylyn O'Neill weighing 5lbs 2oz, 18 inches long and Milo Mouse O'Neill weighing 5lbs 9oz, 20 inches long. both are healthy and doing well <3

@maddieeP: omgg my niece and nephew
@cassieee: omg congrats guys, they're gorgeous
@elliot: wow cute kids, glad your okay
@rueeb: i need to meet them
@kat: congrats Kenzie :)
@lexiii: aww omg congrats guysss

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i love my babies.

*3 days later*

i got home last night. i woke up this morning and Ash wasn't anywhere to be seen.

around 11am he gets back, "where the fuck have you been", i ask when he sits down on the couch next to the twins, "i went out", he says, "um where", i laugh a bit out of anger. "i might have gotten them some matching outfits..". "why didn't you just tell me", i laugh, "show me".

he pulls out 2 little outfits.

he pulls out 2 little outfits

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"ok they are really cute", i laugh

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"ok they are really cute", i laugh. "i knew you'd like them", he responds kissing my forehead then kissing both the babies foreheads.

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