chapter 21: proud of us

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*a week later*

Marie and Milo are a week old now and they are so cute.

Lexi came over today to meet the babies. "omg they are so cute", she whispered as they were sleeping. she got them matching GAP outfits aha. "oh hey Lex", fez looks anxious as he walks in, "hey fez..", Lexi whispers awkwardly. "ok what the fuck is going on between you two", i ask looking between them, "nothing", Fez grunted walking to his room. "oh fuck you", i flip him off as he walks down the hall.

after Lexi leaves and they wake up i put the twins in their new outfits.


❤️10 💬4caption: @lexiii got the twins these new outfits, super cute

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❤️10 💬4
caption: @lexiii got the twins these new outfits, super cute.

@lexiii: aw super cute babies
@maddieeP: aww need to see them again soon
^responding to @maddieeP: yess you doo get ur ass over here soon aha
@cassieee: i'm meeting them very soonnn.

Fez walked out his room and gave me an awkward smile, "hi", he mutters. "oh hello, so what's with you and Lexi?", i ask picking Marie up, "nothing", he shakes his head picks up Milo. "hey Milo", he coos in a baby voice, "whatever you say", i give him an 'i'm not dumb' look at laugh a bit.

Ash walks out of our room, he'd been sleeping. "where's my babies?", he asks walking through the hall, i pass him Marie and he makes some funny faces at her. he's amazing with the babies, "Milo's here", Fez says from the couch. "anyone want anything to eat?", i ask picking my phone up from next to me. "i'm down for some food", Fez says, still smiling at Milo, "same here", Ash agrees.

i order a pizza and have a shower while we wait for it. i don't get much of a chance with the twins so i take this opportunity. it was so nice to not have to worry about rushing in the shower.

when the pizza arrives i'm finished from the shower and i managed to put some joggers and a t-shirt. "that'll be 20$", the pizza guy says handing me pizzas, i pass him the money including a 5$ tip and he thanks me before walking away.

i put the pizza on the table and the babies get put in their bassinet. "that looks amazing", Ash grabs a slice and passes it to me, "thank you", i chirp smiling at him.

we finish a pizza and a half, we put the other half pizza in the fridge for later. "i'm going out", Fez tells us putting his shoes on, "ok, see you", i smile at him as he walks out the door.

the babies start crying and i roll my eyes, "they need feeding, for like the 1000th time", i laugh as i go and grab some formula for them. "can you hurry up over there", Ash groans as he picks the babies up to try and calm them, "i'm trying", i reply finishing the bottles.

i walk back into the living room to see Ash sat on the couch with a pillow on his knee and both babies lay against the pillow, "you guys hungry", his baby voice is so cute, "is mummy making you guys some bottles". he kisses them both on the forehead and just looks at them smiling. "do you wanna feed them both?", i ask, he's helped me feed but he's never fed both on his own, "i'll try", he says anxiously.

he tries and it feeds them both, he did it really well. afterwords he settled them and put them down in our room to have a nap. he sits down on the couch next to me and puts his hand on my knee, "when you first told me you were pregnant, i was so excited but so nervous, i didn't think we'd be able to do it", he sighs and looks into my eyes, "i'm so happy though, i'm so happy that your their mum, they're so lucky Kenzie". i feel a tear down my cheek. i love this boy. i wipe my tear and look back at him, i take his hands in mine and take a deep breath. "i was so nervous too, i thought the whole time, how are we going to do this and is it going to work but i'm so happy too, i'm so proud of both of us and i wouldn't change it for the world".

he doesn't speak, he just wraps his arms around me, tight. "i love you so much Kenz, really, you've made everything so much better for me", i see a tear or two roll down his face, i move my hand from his and wipe his tear. "i love you more Ash", i whisper

we sit like that for a bit his arms wrapped around me and his head on my chest, my head resting on his. finally he lifts his head up and kisses me, the kiss lasts for a few seconds before Marie starts crying. "i'll settle her", he smiles giving me one more kiss and walking to the bedroom.

i end up falling asleep on the couch that night, Ash must of come out of our room in the night and covered me in a blanket. i love him.

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