chapter 7: carnival

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i woke up after a few hours and i was still cuddled in ash's arms, he really stayed there for me. i still didn't feel the best but i felt a lot better. he had put something on TV and was on his phone texting someone, "heyy", i groaned still not fully awake. he looked down at me and kissed my forehead, "you feeling better?", he asked. "not 100% but enough for us to go the carnival", "you sure Kenzie, we don't have to", he honestly cared about me. "i'm sure, i'm fine", i replied smiling.

"i need to see if Maddy has anything i can wear, i really don't want to speak to her", i looked at ash and pulled a fake sad face. ash laughed, "i'll take you to the mall and i'll buy you something", he said stepping closer to me. "really?", i asked, no one had ever bought me anything before. "yes i'm sure, get some clothes on and i'll get Fez to take us", ash kissed me then walked off to speak to Fez.

i got ready and walked out to the hall, "u ready Kenz", Fez asked grabbing his car keys, "yup let's go". me and ash sat in the back, the malls only like 10 minutes away. after a bit silence Fez spoke,"ash ring me when ur done and i'll come and get you".

we got to the mall and Fez left, "ok you have 200$ get whatever you want", ash looked around at all the different stores, "where you wanna go first?", he asked. "you sure about the whole 200$ thing, i feel bad", "don't Kenz you deserve it", he grabbed my hand and we started walking. i led him to the first store and i walked inside, there was this gorgeous top.

 "can i get this top?", i asked, i felt bad this was so much money, we hadn't even made it official yet

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"can i get this top?", i asked, i felt bad this was so much money, we hadn't even made it official yet. "of course, you don't have to ask", he replied grabbing the top and giving it to the cashier.

we went to a couple different shops and i found a cute skirt

we went to a couple different shops and i found a cute skirt

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, some shoes

and a jacket

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and a jacket.

 it cost 180$ all together

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it cost 180$ all together. "ok i'm done", i chirped, "wanna get some food with that last 20$?", ash laughed and pointed to a mcdonalds just across from us. "sounds good", i replied and we went to get some food.

after eating Fez picked us up and we went home, we had to get ready straight away as we only had an hour before the carnival.

we got ready and got to the carnival, i sat in the "pretzel" truck for a bit then headed out with Maddy and Cassie. we had been walking for a bit before we got to the Jacobs chilli stall, Nate stared at me as we walked past and i could still feel his eyes on me as we walked off, i hate that boy.

around a year ago during one of Maddy and Nates usual breaks me and Nate had a *thing* for a week or so before him and Maddy got back together. no one knows about it, he made me swear to tell no one and he hasn't told anyone either... i don't think. ever since though it's like he's obsessed with me, always staring, trying to talk, it makes me real uncomfortable.

after going on a few rides with the girls i got a text from rue. i hadn't seen or spoken to her since the party a few days ago, she's relapsed again and i'm not mad at her just worried.


-hey Kenzie u here?
-yup i'll meet you now, you at the entrance?
-ok meet me by the pretzel van

i headed back to the pretzel van and Rue, Lexi and another girl was there already. it was the girl who had a knife against Nate at the party. "heres my pretty girl", ash shouted as i walked up to the van. "well hello there", i smiled up at him then turned to Rue and the girls, "what the fuck is going on between you two", Rue said sounding shocked. "i'll explain later", i responded before grabbing her hand and dragging her away. "see ya in a bit", i shouted to ash and he waved at me before serving a customer.

"you look good Kenzie", rue looked me up and down and laughed, "trying to impress the drug dealer i see". "oh shut up Rue", i responded, "he kissed me first, nothings official yet though". "ooo" rue and the other girls laughed a bit.

i had been with the girls for about an hour when ash texted me to go, "ok bye girlss", i shouted walking back to the van. i got to the van and ash ran over to me. "omg i was so worried when you didn't reply", ash sighed hugging me. "why", i asked. "did you not hear about your fucking sister", ash asked shocked. "no what has she done now". ash explained that maddy had caused a scene at the chilli stand. "i'm so done with her shit", i sighed and sat down.

after a few minutes Fez walked back to the van, "let's go guys, Kenzie you staying again tonight?", "yep", i replied grabbing ash's hand and walking out. "let's go", ash said getting in the car.

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