chapter 5: lover boy

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i made it to Cassie's and i knocked on the door, "omg hey", Cassie chirped. she opened the door and i walked in and up to her room. "Lexi get the fuck out", Cassie said with a lot of attitude.. typical Cassie. Lexi walked out and Cassie told me to sit down. i sat next to her and she smiled at me, "sooo what did you want to tell me?", she asked, "ok you know ash the guy i liked?", i was so nervous to tell her from her reaction the other night. "yeah", she replied. "ok well i spent the night at his and Fez's last night and.. well", "SPIT IT OUT", "sorry sorry.. well we kissed",i sighed so relieved to just say it. Cassie looked at me, eyes wide and jaw on the floor. she was quiet for a minute before squealing and hugging me, "thank god i thought you were never gonna kiss someone", she screeched. we both laughed before Cassie grabbed my phone from my hand, "give me the phone Cas", i looked at her with a serious look. "nope", she said opening my phone, i had told her my password ages ago and forgot she had it. she was texting someone.. after 5 minutes she threw my phone on the bed and lay back looking up at the ceiling.

i grabbed my phone and opened it, it opened onto messages with ash.. i didn't even have his number, how? i looked through my other messages and she had messaged Fez.


-hey what's ash's number
-hey, it's ***** *** ***
-thank youuu
-no probs

shit. i then went back to ash's messages, what did she put his contact name as?

lover boy <3

-hey ash, it's kenzie
-oh hey Kenz, u ok?
-yeahh, wanna meet me for some waffles in 20?
-of course, i'll see you there :)

SHIT omg omg omg WHY HAS SHE DONE THIS. Cassie just smiled at me then walked over to her closet. "you have 10 minutes to get there AND get ready", she said digging through her clothes. she pulls out a pretty cute outfit

 and hands it to me, "put this on quick", she runs out the room for me to be ready

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and hands it to me, "put this on quick", she runs out the room for me to be ready. i got changed and let Cassie back in, "ok ur ready to go", she said. the diner was only down the street so i ran down and got seated.

Ash turned up shortly after, he walked over to the table and gave me a quick kiss before sitting down opposite me. we talked for a while, ate some waffles and laughed... a lot. we were just finishing our waffles when a girl walked over, she looked our age. "can i have ur number", she asked pushing her boobs up and making eye contact with Ash. i just sat back to see what he would say. "nope", ash said looking at me, "why", the girl asked giggling a bit. "cause i have a girl", ash said as he looked me up and down. i got butterflies, this boy is everything i've ever dreamed of. "oh whatever", the girl rolled her eyes and walked off, i leant over the table and kissed ash. after a few seconds i pulled away sat back down to finish my food.

i had finished eating and i needed the toilet, "i'll be right back" i said before walking away towards the bathroom. i was almost at the bathroom when someone grabbed me round the waist and pulled me back, "don't", they said, it was ash. i turned my head and the girl from before was stood there looking at me. "we're going Kenz" ash said sternly before grabbing my hand and walking out.

he had borrowed Fez's car for the night so he could take me home, i got in the car and turned to him, "what the actual fuck was that", i said slouching into my seat. "that bitch started following u to the bathroom laughing with her friends", he responded,"who knows what she wanted to do", he sighed and looked back at me, i was speechless. he 1. was watching me walk away and 2. was worried something was gonna happen and on top of that what he said at the table earlier.

after a few minutes of silence and thinking ash spoke up, "please say something Kenz", he said sadly. i didn't say anything, i stayed still for a few seconds before leaning over and putting my lips on his. that's all i could do in this moment. he put one of his hands behind my neck and went in to the kiss deeper. we kissed for another few minutes before ash pulled away and smiled, "please stay at mine and Fez's again", he whispered moving a piece of hair out my face. "i would but Maddy-", SHIT MADDY I WAS GONNA BE HOME AGES AGO. i pulled out my phone, "i hate to do this but i have to text maddy", i said, "it's fine", he replied.


-hey sorry i'm not back something came up
-omg i thought u were dead
-sorry sorry anyway i'm staying at Fez's again tonight, see you tomorrow

i put my phone away before she could even answer "i can stay again tonight", i put my seatbelt on and ash started driving back to Fez's.

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