chapter 12: new years pt.1: Mouse

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*3 months later*

so it's been a few months and me and ash are doing so good. it's new years eve, me, fez, rue and ash are on our to some sort of drug deal.

hit em up by tupac started playing and me and rue started rapping along.

"FIRST OFF FUCK YOUR BITCH AND THE CLIQUE YOU CLAIM, WEST SIDE WHEN WE RIDE COME EQUIPPED WITH GAME, YOU CLAIM TO BE A PLAYER BUT I FUCKED YOUR WIFE, WE BUST ON BAD BOYS ***** FUCKED FOR LIFE", me and rue screamed from the back, "shut the fuck up", ash shouted back, "this is serious shit". "sorry", i said sarcastically, me and rue laughing.

we got to a bunch of rundown apartments and ash and fez got out the car, a girl got in, she had blonde hair, huge lips and big eyes, she seems cool. "stay here all of you", ash said before walking away. "hey, i'm faye", she said, she seems out of it. rue looks at me and rolls her eyes, she obviously doesn't really like her.

she pulls out a tin of "mints" and open it. it was heroin. great. she's about to pull everything out of tin when all 3 of us got grabbed. 3 men pulled us by our hair into an apartment. fez and ash were stood around in the kitchen, a scrawny boy was there aswell. after a while of them talking one of the guys flicks round to us, "strip, all of you" he shouts.

everyone starts getting undressed, except ash cause they wouldn't let him. i wasn't getting undressed, i'm 15 and don't feel comfortable. "strip, that means to", the guy looks at me. he walks over and grabs me by my hair and starts draggin me away when i heard someone say the name 'mouse'. i thought about it for a minute, i recognise the name...

"wait mouse, what does he look like", i spoke up. the guy dragging me stops and drags me back to the kitchen, a different guy shows me a photo. fuck.

"that's my fucking dad", i shout, "he made me live with my mum and sister around 4 years ago cause i was an addict and he works with drugs", i look at ash as it reminds me of our argument. the scrawny boy speaks up, "shittt your mouses daughter, i wouldn't fuck wit you". why the fuck does everyone know my dad.

the guys who had dragged me and the other girls told us all to put our clothes on, gave fez the drugs and we left. "ok who's gonna tell me why everyone knew my dad", i said when we were back in the car. "he's like... he was.. the biggest drug dealer around", fez says looking back and fourth between the road and ash. "what do you mean he was..", i said looking at ash. "he's dead Kenz", he said quietly. i was upset of course but i hadn't seen him in 5 years and we never had a good relationship anyway.

"how do you know he's dead", i said nervous to know the answer... "cause.. i.. um.. i.. kinda... maybe.. killed him", ash gulped and turned to me, "don't be mad he was the person at the house that day you and rue were there, he had kicked off so i lost control and killed him".

i was in shock, my boyfriend had killed my dad who was the biggest drug dealer in our town, what the fuck is my night.

"ok, well that's a lot of info for one night", rue says. i laugh. "i guess you wanna know how my dad and mum happened", i say. "YES", they all shouted together.

i explained how my dad had gone to my mums house when Maddy was 2 to give Maddys dads some weed, my mum liked him, they slept together, i happened. i lived part time in both houses for most of my life, Maddy never actually knew about my dad as she was so young and my mum didn't want her to hate me and her. when i was 11 i started doing drugs cause they were in the house, i got addicted so my dad made me move into my mums.

it went silent for a bit then we all spoke some more, "so wanna go to this new years party", fez asked us all. "sure", me and rue replied and we made our way to this party.

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