Big Brother

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Before I could finish my sentence she was gone and I was now going to some party. Great, couldn't wait to tell Marcus about this one. I checked my face book for the flyer Keyanna was talking about and quickly found the details. I went down to the kitchen and found Marcus cooking, not his best skill.

"What are you attempting to make?"

I said laughing at him in his apron, he swore it made him cook better.

"Well I'm trying to make macaroni and cheese but I don't know how to make the cheese sauce like mom its more like goop."

He said lifting a spoonful of the watery substance out of the pan.


I said pouring some flour into the pan causing it to thicken up. He smiled.

"Guess you're not as dumb as you look."

"Shut up."

I took a seat at the table.

"So what's going on? You done studying?"


"Okay, so I know you didn't come to admire my sexiness so what's going on."

"Well, I was just wondering if it was cool for me to have a friend stay over on Saturday."

His eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah, sure."

I could tell he was shocked.

"You have a friend? I mean not that you don't have friends but I'm just-"

He stumbled over his words confused.

"We take English together and she's sort of making me go to this party."

"Party? You're going to a party?"

"Yeah Saturday."

He turned around from the stove and crossed his arms in front of his chest, this was his serious stance.

"And where is this party? Who's throwing it? What time does it start and end?"

"Well I guess our student organization is throwing the back to school bash or something and it's at Tribeca and its starts at 10 and ends at 3."

"Umm hmm. Well, you can go and your friend can stay but you better make sure that you're caught up on you're schoolwork."

"Thanks Marcus."

"Yeah, so who's this friend?"

"Her name's Keyanna."

"She look good?"

I rolled my eyes and headed back upstairs.

"What! I just was wondering?"

The next day I dreaded going to class, seeing that Key seemed to be serious about me talking to him. I watched the clock and Key watched me, smiling to herself thinking about the scheme she had created. Our professor dismissed us and he was getting his things together.

"Let's go Danii!"

"Yeah- Let's go to the library."

Key rolled her eyes before grabbing my hand and dragging (well trying to) me over to where he was. I'm sure he looked at us like we were crazy. When we got in front of him, he looked up from his book bag and smiled. I finally got a good look at him, up close. He was even more stunning than I'd thought. His brown eyes sparkled and there was no imperfection on his caramel skin. His teeth were perfectly straight and white like fresh snow. I imagined his muscles underneath his black sweatshirt like they were that day at work. I was so zoned out giving him the once over I didn't noticed them speaking to me until Key nudged me in the arm....

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