Only want you

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I did my best and avoided Key before we all had class together. When I walked in I saw all of them sitting together with one seat saved for me. I walked over Key jumped up.

"Girl you had me scared."

She said hugging me.

"I'm fine."

I smiled at Kenny and Trey just looked at me. I sat down and got my stuff for class out. Trey leant over.

"Shawty I'm sorry."

I put my hand up.

"Not now."

He slid back into his seat and the teacher came in. The whole class I could feel his eyes on me. After Key and Kenny headed to another building and Trey and I headed to our next class. He grabbed my hand and I didn't pull away. When we walked to history why was I not surprised to see Janae waiting outside like a dog looking for an owner. When she saw me her smile faded away. Trey brushed past her and she grabbed his arm. He flinched away and followed me into class. Hopefully she'd gotten the hint. Class was over and I stood up. I walked out and Trey followed behind me.

"Danni we need to talk."

"Yeah we do."

"C'mon let's go to my room for break instead of the library."

"Alright., cars this way."

He followed me out to my car and we made the quick ride over to his suite. No one was there when we walked into his room. He shut the door and turned the light on. I was shocked to see his room was clean.

"Wow you picked up?"

"Yeah I don't know why but when I got a lot on my mind I clean."


I sat my stuff down and took a seat on the bed. He pulled the chair out from his desk and sat in front of me.

"Daniela. I don't even know where to start."

"Trey, look. It's whatever. I was upset but I'm good now-"

"No it's not whatever. The hurt on your face killed me. I know I fucked up and bad. I'm not making excuses but I was drunk and she was just all over me. I don't know one thing led to another and we kissed. After it happened I realized what I did. I was gonna tell you shawty. It didn't go any further than that though. I told her to leave me alone."


"Don't hate me."

"I don't."

"You forgive me? I'll never do it again."

"Trey. I like you a lot but I mean it took a lot for me to trust you and you just lost some of that. Like I always tell you , if this isn't what you want then let me know."

"You are what I want."

He stood up and placed his hand on my face. He pulled my face to his and gave me a kiss. Damn I missed his lips.

"I'm sorry."


He kissed me again. He walked over to his drawer and got my necklace. I stood up and he put it back around my neck.

"Don't be throwing away that key like that girl. It's valuable."

I smiled.

"Mines is too. Just cause you're not wearing it doesn't mean you don't have it."

Trey smiled and gave me a kiss. He fixed me some lunch and we hung out until it was time for us both to go to class. Trey might have been easy to forgive but I couldn't wait to see Janae alone. Sha'niya part two.
After school Key and I had planned over the weekend for her to do my hair. I was going to dye it to surprise Trey. Time for something new. I was standing outside of the tech building where Key's last class was when I saw Janae walking up with her friend. Part of me wanted to jump to where she was and beat her like she stolen something but I didn't. I just stood and waited for Key. I was so focused on Janae I didn't notice Key came out or that she was standing next to me until I heard her.

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