Beat that ass

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Marcus hung up the phone abruptly and I just stared at the receiver for a second. I had my headphones on and was in the groove finishing up a paper when Kenny called. It was odd for him to call so I got nervous thinking something was wrong with Ayden.


"Aye Danni? You spoke to ya brotha lately?"

"Earlier why?"

"Um.. I'm at the gas station down the street from school and he just got arrested."


"Yeah he rolled on Chris man."

"Wait? What?"

"He beat the shit out of him. When I was pulling up the boys was jumping out."

"Oh my God."


"Alright let me call Key."

"Okay you want me to wait here?"

"Is the car there?"

"Yeah it looks like he left it running jus hopped out."

I shook my head.

"Okay here we come."

I called Key and went to pick her up. When we got to the gas station Kenny was standing by Marcus' car. I saw the blood on the concrete and could only imagine what had happened. I tried calling Marcus cell phone, no response. Key took my car and followed me home. We called the police station to see where Marcus was and when I found out he was at the justice center downtown I called Treyw ho sad he'd meet me there for Marcus' booking visitation. After being searched we waited to see Marcus and then a familiar face walked in. She had went to high school with me, and made it her purpose to torment me. She was the reason I got called "Heavy D" and til this day I still had the urge to punch her in the face. She went to the desk and I heard her ask for Marcus. His name was common. No big deal. Until I noticed the officer point our way followed by her walking towards Trey and I.

"Umm are you here to see Marcus?"

Her stank attitude still hadn't changed. Ghetto fabulous.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well who are you?"

Oh no this hoe didn't. She was on strike 2 and 3 was soon to come.

"Excuse me? I'm his sister. Who are you?"

Then she stepped back and looked at me. Like she recognized who I was.

"Heav- I mean Daniela?"

"Yes Zakia."

"Wow! You look different! Skinny!"

I sarcastically smiled. Trey just looked at me lost.

"Yeah, and you haven't changed at all."

Hoodrat is what I was really thinking.

"So why are you here to see Marcus?"

"He's my boyfriend."

"Wait Marcus doesn't have a girlfriend?"

"Umm yea he does. We've been together for almost 3 months now.

As soon as I tried to sort it out the guard called for Trey and I. I left Zakia standing there, that was something to deal with later. Walking into the small cement room Marcus sat in the metal chair. Trey and I sat across from him, he looked shocked.

"Danni I lost it."

"Marcus what happened?"

"When I called you, was when I first saw him. I asked what his name was he told me Chris. All I could think about is what could have happened to you and I got out the car and after that everything is a blur."

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