a Date??

141 7 0

"Danni I had a lot of fun tonight, we definitely need to hang out more outside of Bio."

"Thanks Chris so did I."

He was just staring at me like he had more to say so to break the awkward silence and to stop the risk of anything happening I put my purse on my shoulder.

"Well, hit me up tomorrow or something."

"I will. I definitely will."

"thanks for the crown!"

I said pointing to the plastic gold still on my head.

"You're welcome. We should wear them in class one day."

I smiled and Chris reached over and gave me a hug. His hands were around my waist. When I went to break away he let go slowly and we locked eyes. It was quiet for a second and then we both snapped out of it.

"Alright I should go."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Text me and let me know you made it home safe."

"Alright Danni, I will."

I got out the car and after making sure I was in the house safe Chris drove off. I was halfway up the stairs when Marcus spoke.

"So that's Chris?"

"Marcus not tonight."

"You say he's just a friend!"

Marcus started singing and laughing. He was just a friend. Me and Chris were just friends. And I mean your entitled to hang out with your friends right? Yes you are. I text Trey but no response he was probably drunk and I was too tired to deal with his inebriated confessions of his love for me. So I slipped out of my clothes, put my phone on silent, and placed my crown on the night stand. It was the last thing I looked at before I fell asleep, oh well that and the text from Chris telling me he was home and to get my beauty rest.

I was deep in sleep. You know the kind where you drool and are deaf to everything. Only to wake up and wonder why its so late. Needless to say I didn't hear my phone ring when Trey called 14 times and text me 10. Marcus was shaking me out of my sleep.


I said groggily.

"Trey's downstairs."

"Huh? What?"

"Trey is downstairs. He looks mad or something."

"Ok, ok! Let me get up tell him give me a second."

I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom, still half asleep. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Throwing my hair into a ponytail hit. When I hit the second step Trey was already walking towards me.

"Marcus said we could talk in your room."


Lost I searched for Marcus who was standing by the couch, he raised his hands, just as confused as me. When we walked into my room after scoping everything out Trey kicked his sneakers off and sat on the bed.

"Yea make yourself comfortable."

I stood across from him arms crossed and slightly agitated that he'd woken me out of my sleep.

"So this morning, I went on face book, you know. Checking my shit.. Sending some birthday love to my friends. Whatever I go on your page and look at your pictures and there was a new one.."


He reached and grabbed the crown off my night stand.

"Where did you go with Chris."

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