But. .....

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She put the keys in the ignition and I popped the cap on the can in my hand. I was already in deep with Trey as it, might as well enjoy it. 2 hours later it was nearing 11 and I was pulling up to Treys house. After saying my goodbyes to Vita and stumbling out the car, I made it to the door. I was about to ring the doorbell when Trey swung the door open before I had a chance. I just stood there hunched over. The liquor had taken over completely. He didn't say anything. He just picked me up and carried me upstairs I was passed out before I knew it and when I woke up the next morning still in my clothes from yesterday I knew Trey was pissed. The light shined into the guest room causing me to flinch I had the worst headache ever. I was covering my face with the blanket when he walked in. He had food in his hands.

"Sit up and eat something."

Trey drew the blinds closed to give me some relief and I did as he said turning on the TV. He sat buy me grabbing the remote flicking through the channels before stopping on ESPN.

"You mad at me?"

I asked, he hadn't looked my way since he came in the room.

"Should I be?"

He said turning my way.

"Listen I know I was tripping yesterday but, I mean me and Vita were just hanging out and-"

He cut me off.

"You don't know Vita like I know Vita and I'm telling you now to watch yourself."

"Why is that? Because yesterday I wasn't sitting here moping around waiting for you?"


"So what is it!"

"Man I'm not about to do this shit. If you wanna learn the hard fucking way then go ahead."

"Learn about what! I'm tired of people thinking they know what is best for me all the time! You, Marcus, Key. I'm grown!"

"If you so grown then why you here huh? If you so grown you would have hatched shit out with Marcus and been back on Cincinnati right now."

"Fuck you! You told me to come out here. You didn't want me to stay."

"Grown people make their own decisions."

I glared at Trey. He had a point and not wanting to admit I just continued to eat. My phone rang and at was Vita.

"Go ahead and pick it up, that's ya new road dog right?"

He stormed out of the room. I answered Vita's call and told her I'd be ready at 3 we were going to the mall. Whether Trey liked it or NOT.

Strolling through the mall with Vita was nothing like I'd ever experienced before. All the attention we were getting made me nervous and constantly having to tell guys I had a boyfriend was getting old. We were sitting in the food court eating when Vita's phone went off.

"Oh shit! Danni you tryna go out this weekend?"

"I don't know Trey been bugging lately."

"Man whatever! They having a party at RJ's man, you should go with me. Girls night out."

'I don't know Vita-"

"Please don't bitch up on me! It's gonna be some ballers there girl."

"Where is this RJ's?"

"Uptop, people say it's rough but that's only if you with the wrong crowd. I just go do my thing you know?"


"I'm saying we already at the mall. Why not just go cop some fits and go to the party Friday?"

The hope in Vita's eyes was hard to ignore. I said yes against better judgment and then went on our quest to find something to wear. I got home at 9 right before Trey came home from work. After speaking to mama I went upstairs to put my things away when Trey walked in still in his striped shirt. He was as fine as the first day I saw him. He noticed the bags.

"Retail therapy?"

"Something like that."

I wrapped my arms around his neck. Saying sorry without even opening my mouth. Trey wrapped his hands around my waist and gave me a kiss. Things were back to normal.

"So what you do today?"

"Um, me and Vita went to the mall."

"Oh word for what?"

"Just shopping got an outfit for this party she wants me to go to on Friday."

"Where at?"


"Nah you can tell her scratch that one, you're not going."

"And why not?"

"Because it's in a bad part of town and some shit always happens anytime they have a party."

"Vita said it's cool."

"If Vita told you to go jump off a bridge would you fucking do it?"


"Alright then. I said you're not going and that's that."

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"Oh really? Go on to that party and see what happen Danni. Go on."

He said taking off his shirt and walking out the room. I plopped on the bed with my arms folded. I swore I'd left Marcus at home. The next day Trey had a day off but instead of spending it with me he decided to go and hang with his boys. No matter two could surely play this game. I got dressed and called Vita who was already out and about. She came and got me and we headed back to her house. Her and her brother shared a house together. She said their mom wasn't around much. She'd lost her to the needle a long time ago. But they were doing alright. Walking in I got nervous when I saw her brothers and his friends sitting in the living room. They looked like the crew from The Wire. Avon and Wee-bey in full effect.

"Who is this lovely young lady that we have here?"

Her brother said standing up an grabbing my hand. Placing a kiss on the top of my palm I blushed and pulleed away.

"Oh this my baby Danni, Danni this my brother Meech and his boy Will."

I waived and they both continued to stare.

"Well we about to go in my room and chill and shit so just hit me if you need something or something go down."

Vita said popping her gum before we headed down the hall. Walking into her room I wasn't shocked to see the pink walls or the bags of clothes everywhere. There were condoms by her bed and empty bottles of liquor everywhere. Vita really knew hoe.. I mean how.. To get it in. She turned on her flat screen and sat beside me.

"So what's going on? You still down for this party right?"

"Man I don't know Trey barked at me this morning about it."

"Whatever, he just a hater. Don't let no nigga control you D. Especially if you rollin with me."

I smiled.

"But I got something that could take ya mind off all that."


Vita reached on the side of her bed grabbing a cigar and a box. Much like one Trey kept his stash in.

"Oh I don't smoke."

"That's what everyone say til they get high for the first time."

Vita smiled at me and went to work on making the L. After she burnt the outside to make sure it was secure, she lit the end and took a pull. Passing it to me I looked at it at first. But then I just thought about it. It was summer vacation and with everything I'd been going through. This blunt was the last of my worries. An hour later an 3 L's down we were stretched out in Vita's room staring at the ceiling. I rubbed my stomach.

"Yo I'm hungry."
"Me too, we should go to the diner and get something to eat."

"Word to me we should."

"Come on then."

Meech and Will had left but we saw them in passing standing on the corner. Pulling up to the diner I was so high I didn't even notice that Vita had parked right next to Trey's car until we walked to the door and I saw him sitting with his boys. He jumped up seeing me and walked over.....

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