I Love You

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The next morning I called Key and told her what happened. Like the sister that she was she was by my side within minutes, sure she told Kenny I wasn't surprised when Trey blew my phone up. This was the second time. First the kiss with Janae and now who knows what he did with God knew who. I couldn't take him calling anymore. I picked up. I spoke through tears, the once of sadness had gone away I was hurt and upset.


"Danni, baby I-"

"You what! You what! All that speech you gave me the other day and you are out fucking some other girl not even a week after I left."

"Danni I didn't have sex with her."

"Well you did something! I heard it Trey! With my own two ears, so don't try and lie to me."

"She just sucked my dick Danni, I didn't kiss the bitch I didn't fuck her."

"Well maybe you should have."

I hung up the phone. He called again and again and again. I had nothing to say. Marcus always said that the sweetest love had the coldest end. He was absolutely right. The next few weeks I got so busy, I tried to do any an everything to keep my mind off of Trey. I worked out 5 times a week and had found a job

mentoring little kids at a community center. I helped Key get ready for the baby and just tried to occupy myself as much as possible. Trey called but his pleas went unanswered, along with his voicemails, texts, emails, face book messages and any thing else he used to try and contact me. I knew that if I heard him out and listened to him I would fall back for him, and I couldn't do it. He cheated, bottom line. The start of school was odd. People whispered about why Trey wasn't with me seeing as we had spent so much time together last year, and I didn't even know or care if he was back. I was leaving my final class when I saw his car the door opened and I walked the other way.


He yelled running to catch up with me, my legs weren't moving fast enough because I felt his hand grab my arm.

"Hey! Wait! Where are you going?"

He said, I was still trying to move.

"Trey I have to go. I gotta go."

"Go where Danni? Where? How much longer you gonna run from me?"

He used his hand to guide my eyes to his.

"Baby please. Can we just talk. For a second, just a second?"

He let go of my arm and stood back, his body language begging me.

"A second Trey."

"Where'd you park?"

"In the other lot."

"Let me give you a ride to your car."

"No, I can -"

He cut me off.

"What you don't trust me or something?"

I just looked at him like he'd lost his mind, his grin faded and he swallowed hard.

"Alright look, I just want to talk to you Danni. So you tell me when and where. Just give me a chance."

"I gave you enough."

"C'mon shawty, please. This is me, this is us right here. Please Daniela, I'm begging you."

My mind and my heart must have went through war over a million times within the minutes it took me to answer. My heart won.

"I have to work until 8. I don't have any homework, so-"

"I'll come get you from home at 9."

"Yeah but I have to be home by 11."

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