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He said laid back he was still trying to play it cool.

"Baby please come get me. I'm sorry. Please."

I spoke through tears. I heard him yell to Dion to turn the music down.

"What is going on? Where are you?"

"At RJ's they started shooting and Vita left me. Trey I'm scared, please-"

He cut me off.

"Okay listen to me, it's a diner up the street you start walking there and don't stop until you get inside. I'll be there as fast as I can okay."

I just exhaled.

"Danni you hear me?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

"Alright I'm coming baby. I'm coming. I love you."

"I love you too."
Following Trey's directions I headed up the block I saw the diners lights flashing but the distance seemed much longer. Especially when you're walking, alone, at 1 in the morning. I kept my eyes forward and my feet moving and then I noticed a set of headlights following me. The sped up to get in my view and I noticed it was Dice.

"Baby girl that back there was a misunderstanding, don't let it ruin our night."

"No. I'm fine."

I said wiping the tears from my face. He put the car in park and hopped out.

"Aww don't be like that. It scared you."

He went to reach for me and I backed away.

"No please, I'm fine just-"

"Just what! You wasn't trying to get away from me a few minutes ago when you was in VIP drinking my shit."

"Please, I don't want any trouble."

"Too fucking late."

I screamed and cried as Dice grabbed me by the waist trying to drag me into his car. My screams fell on deaf ears I was sure. I fought as hard as I could holding on to the doors for dear life as he tried to push me inside. But he was stronger than me. I thought of my mommy, my daddy, and Marcus. What would Marcus do if something happened to me.


Dice raised his hand but before the blow could hit my face it was stopped. Trey had made it. Right on time.

"Nigga what you doing to my girl?"

Trey said pushing him off of me. They scuffled for a minute and then Dice pulled out a gun. I screamed.

"Yea nigga. You ain't so tough now huh? "

Trey swallowed hard and stared at Dice.

"IF you gon do it man then do it."

Trey stated. If he was scared which I'm sure he was, he wasn't going to show it.

"Oh you tough huh? Pretty boy ass nigga! You know who I am? I run this fucking side of town."

He cocked the gun and I swore I was watching a scene out of a bad movie. I saw a shadow moving in the darkness and was relieved when Dion hit Dice in the back of the head with a bottle. He fell down. Knocked out I'm sure.

"Nigga we gotta go before his boys come. NOW!"

"Danni get in the fucking car."

Trey yelled. I ran to the passenger side and got in the back. Trey followed behind me grabbing a seat in the front. Dion pressed all the way on the gas and we darted up the street. I just sat in the back and cried. I cried all the way home. When we got to Trey's house. Trey pulled me out the back seat and carried me inside and up to his room. I laid on the bed still sobbing. Trey removed his shirt and sneakers, and then took mines off. He didn't say anything, he just climbed next to me. Wrapping his arms around me. He put his chin on top of my head.

"Shhhh Danni, it's okay baby. It's okay."

I cried myself to sleep. In his arms, at home. Where I should have stayed just like he told me to.

The next morning I woke up to Trey's arms still tightly around me. When I moved a little bit his eyes popped open. A sign that he hadn't slept much last night. I just looked at him and he stared in my eyes. He smiled and kissed me. A replay of last night played in my head and I started crying again. I was so scared for Trey, for me. What if Dice would have pulled the trigger? It would have been my fault.

"C'mon Danni, you can't keep crying. You cried all night."

"No Trey. I'm just so sorry. I put you in danger and I just can't imagine if he would have-"

I got choked up just thinking about the what ifs.

"But he didn't. And I'm fine and you're fine."

"Trey it doesn't matter. You could have been hurt or worse. I could have been hurt. I just don't know what I was thinking. You were right when you said what you did the other day."

"Whoa! I apologized about that baby, I'm not tripping."

"Why would I go there? Following behind Vita? The bitch left me."


"No! That is not me I know better. I feel like I just don't even know what to think or do anymore."

I sat up breaking from Trey's arms the tears flowing.

"I have changed so much over these past few months I don't even know who I am anymore."

"Wait but its' been for the good shawty. You're healthier, you're not shy, you're happier, you loving for the first time. It's been mostly good things."

"And what about the bad Trey? Marcus is all I have left, my only blood and we're not even talking. My parents are probably rolling in their graves. Last night! So caught up in trying to be cute and seen I put you in danger, myself."

"Ok you're acting like you turned into a horrible person."

"Close enough. When is the last time I spoke to Key? My best friend? A week two weeks ago? Why? Because I was hanging with some smut who didn't give a fuck about me. I didn't care about your feelings, we've been fighting a lot and it's all because of me."

Trey stretched out on the bed putting his hands over his head. Not sure of what to say .

" I've been so wrapped up in being your girlfriend I've forgotten who I am."

I sat bewildered. You know that moment when the truth hits and it feels like a ton of bricks? It was now.

"So what are you saying Danni?"

"I just need some space, some time, to think."

"Well I'm going to work so I mean you'll have-"

"No Trey. I gotta go."

I went to walk in my room and Trey jumped up. He stood in front of me.

"So wait you saying you're leaving me?"

I just looked down afraid to look up and see the hurt in his eyes.

"Listen Danni this isn't what I meant when I said what I said. The last thing I want for you to do is leave. I want you here with me. We can hang out more I'll stay home-"

I put my finger over his lips.

"Trey. I love you. I do. But how can I love you the right way if I'm confused about my feelings. It's not fair to you."

"Danni please. I know your feelings. You know mines. You came in my life and changed everything around please don't just walk out on me shawty."

He used his fingers to make me look him in the eyes.


He said again. His eyes begging me.

"Trey, I'm gonna go home."

"So what's that mean for us?"

I didn't' have an answer. I just walked out the room wiping the tears from my eyes. Going into my room I picked up the phone and called Marcus.


He answered eagerly.

"Hey Marcus."

He heard me crying.

"What's going on? Are you okay?

"I'm fine Marcus. I'm fine. I want to come home."..

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