Chapter 13 Unexpected

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What's up readers! I hope every one of my gorgeous girls and peoples are hanging in there, with the state of the US and all. This chapter is gonna be a lot of fun and I hope it makes you smile, your beautiful! Anyways enjoy!


Having summoned your sword and costume back at the cliff, you were kinda figuring it out, having noted the 'need' to transform for things like sleep or protection. You spent a few hours summoning you sword and making it disperse, you remember how your dad used to harbor the same ability, though he usually had it at his side. The outfit thing was getting easier, you could now wear a jumpsuit style ensemble instead of the flowing dress which is just unpractical considering it was meant for combat.

What was strange was the new found skill you had in sword handling. You knew how to hold it, swing it, do some cool twirling with it. You could imagine having a dual with North or Sandy, after a bit of professional help of course.

You sat by the pond after awhile dipping your feet in the water. Your mind wandered to Bunny's comment about the tree, being a 'she' which you've heard of weirder but was still curious.

"So you go by she?" You looked at the tree which swayed, "I mean I don't speak tree so is there another way to communicate?" A few of her vines reached out and wrapped around your arm sending you a weird sensation.

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, you wouldn't be able to help me change Aster's mind about me, would you?"


Aster hopped out of his tunnel near the house, he'd been gone for quite awhile and figured he couldn't avoid your nagging forever. He searched the rooms for you but the house was empty, he rolled his eyes and sprinted into the Warren rabbit style. He dove over boulders and bundles of eggs attempting to locate you, hearing your voice the closer he got to the pond.

"And then he pulled out this dog costume and threw the banjo out the window, in a moving bus!" Aster hoped over a boulder to see you lounging under the tree, "Wahh! Oh it's just you. Anyways I quit talking to him and got off at the next stop-"

Aster gestured in confusion "What are you doing dove?"

You sat up, "talking to the only company that actually cares to listen to me."

"Your still mad at me," he scoffed, you nodded with a shrug.

He walked over, "look dove I can't just let you and Jack start freezing over everything, you can't pull stunts like that."

You stood up obviously upset, "Well my bad, I'm tired of being lazy and Jack was only trying to help my case until you blew up on him for something I agreed to!" You stopped yourself and took a deep breath, "I want to make it clear to you that my place as a guardian was undecided, but now after the dreams, and powers, I think it's time for me to fill that role whether you like it or not!" He stared at you for a second somewhat impressed, "well? You gonna yell at me, or, walk away... like you usually do?"

"You practiced?" He gestured to your outfit.

"... uh, yeah, I can control my sword and clothes now." You demonstrated by summoning your sword.

"Alright, show me what you can do."

"Wait what?"

Bunny pulled out his boomerangs, "don't bail now dove, I'll go easy on ya."

You blushed, he was seriously messing with you, "are you seeing this?!" You looked back at the tree then at him, "you are a confusing man Bunnymund."

He smirked, not helping. You got squared up letting him motion for you to attack. The first few moves were simple since you didn't want to hurt him or yourself. It got to where you were doing defense and offense as he would use his boomerangs and martial arts.

You collapsed on the ground, "time out! I need to breathe!" You gasped.

Bunny chuckled at you and bent down, "no, don't look at me," you rolled onto your side red in the face with hair sticking to your forehead, "you are evil."

After you got your breath back you dramatically waved your hand around for him to grab it, "help me up." He grabbed your hands, pulling you up to face him.

You blew a piece of hair out of your face with your hands still in his. Your eyes met and there was a sense of comfort, like your annoyance with each other was gone and this felt like a mutual apology.

The sun was getting low behind you, but the light on him only made his eyes glow, "I like your eyes."

He huffed with a smirk, "I like you moves, but your form could use some work." You rolled your eyes he really ruined the moment.

You summoned your sword again and listened to his advice on footwork and proper movement. After a bit of watching he started acting out some of the moves for you. Many of them were easy to fix but a few gave your trouble.

Like your current one, "that's good... no, no ya gotta do this," he got behind you and grasped your waist, twisting your body and pivoting your arms, "now you go down."

"Okay,"your breathing hitched, how are you reacting like this? "Are we done, now?"

Aster quickly let you go, "eh yeah, gnarly work. I eh, better be going off."

As soon as you turned around he was gone, your heart felt like beating out of your chest and you smiled big. You chuckled to yourself, the giddy feeling inside you was driving you mad. You were really crushing on the Easter Bunny.

As you walked back up to the house, the stars were coming out giving you quite the view. The window sill in the bedroom was wide enough you could sit on while you watched the Warren grow dark and the sounds of the night began. You could only suspect you had Bunny's approval now, for becoming a guardian of course. But the way he touched you and, hurriedly left, put your mind in a different direction. Was he embarrassed, or did he react to your awkwardness? You couldn't tell with him.

One thing you did know was that you were leaving tomorrow for Santoff Clausen in hopes to get some answers. You were excited to see old friends and family, even with Damian being a negative. As soon as you got the opportunity you'd ask North to make you an official guardian, whether that's before or after you defeat Pitch.


Wow been a while and the world is still mad! I might actually make some progress with this book though. Have a good one guys! Byeeeeee!!!

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