Chapter 6 Unleashed

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Heyo everybody!! Here's chapter 6 with the relief of knowing what's going to happen! Enjoy!


The laughter was maniacal, chilling to the bone, at least to you. You panicked when a mass of dark waves formed behind Jack and Tooth yet when they turned to see it they were engulfed by it. Their screams were muffled in a second as the mass of dark twisted and turned before shriveling down on top of the globe. Again Pitch reformed now holding both your friends. The dark sand and smoke coiled around them restraining their bodies and voices.

Something happened when you saw them, their body's looked drained and tense, unlike your now boiling and enraged form, "you..." everyone looked at you, "you took everything from me!" Leaping into the air screaming you summoned a sword and swung down on Pitch with a streak of light slicing through his arm that held your friends, "I was clueless and helpless, but now I know and I can do something about it. And here you are threatening my friends with your unending pathetic excuse for a life!" Pitch's slightly angered look turned to one of enjoyment as he smiled and reformed his arm.

The guardians were absolutely shocked, even Jack and Tooth who had become exhausted while in his grasp we're now standing in disbelief at what they were seeing. Silver gauntlets, neck and chest armor and a large band around your waist formed from a flash of light. The sword you had just summoned was pure white, medieval looking and slightly glowed. 

"You are powerful, yet not enough to defeat me," Pitch had a vine of dark sand attempt to grab you but you cut it with ease, still making eye contact since your arm was the only thing that moved.

He tried a few more times to no avail before you charged blade swinging and body moving with incredible speed. Pitch was able to let out an inhuman scream, seconds later the workshop was filled with both nightmares and fearlings. The summonings targeted the guardians while Pitch fought with you. The guardians were not wanting you to be alone with him yet they never had the chance to get to you. North, Aster, and Sandy fought on ground while Tooth and Jack - doing their best- fought from the air, yet they desperately tried to move towards you and Pitch.

The two of you were attacking and blocking with neither one of you landing a hit. Pitch's large scythe came down on you hard yet you blocked it but were slowly bending down from his strength. Thinking fast you jumped to the side using your sword to cut his scythe making it disintegrate. Before he could react you stood and roundhouse kicked him completely off the globe where he fell onto a balcony. You followed him where the fight continued, only now you were getting tired.

Pitch noticed this and again attacked from above bringing you down with only your sword blocking him. You kept pushing until you were able to jump to the side yet again. Only this time his scythe swung at you cutting your leg, throwing you towards an outside balcony. Gasping and holding your leg made it hard to stand but you used your sword to help push you up. The second you stood black vines encased your body causing immense pain and fatigue causing you to scream.

At that very moment, the guardians were able to fight off a majority of the dark beings and raced towards you, Jack, Tooth, and Bunny being the fastest. The three reached the balcony together ready to fight until they saw you, limp in Pitch's vines.

"What a disappointment, looks like she wasn't strong enough. Hahaha you won't be needing her anymore, what a pity," Pitch cackled, "say goodbye to your princess." Pitch tossed you over the edge laughing before disappearing.

"No!!" The three guardians raced to the edge of the balcony where Aster immediately jumped off after you.

Between two glaciers down fifty or so feet into freezing cold water your body slowly descended. Aster skillfully slid down the glaciers with his eyes locked onto your sinking form, he dove in. He swam straight down for you, grabbing your arm and pulling you to him where he held you by the waist as he swam up. Aster gasped for air once breaching the surface where Tooth flew down to retrieve you from his arms. Once you were handed over he tapped his foot against the side of the glacier where one of his tunnels formed allowing him to climb out and back up to the workshop. When he jumped out of his tunnel he shook himself trying to rid the newly forming ice off his wet fur. He instantly hopped over to the others where North checked on you, feeling your temperature and looking at your leg.

"North how is she?!" The Pooka leaned down.

North picked you up, "cold, and hurt. She needs rest, I'll take her to ze back room," he walked with you towards a hallway, Jack and Sandy behind him.

Aster sighed still cold yet upset and relieved at the same time, he heard Tooth still hovering behind him, "what?" His tone came off rude.

"Bunny, you did what you could, you saved her twice today, there's no reason for you to feel guilty," she placed a hand in his shoulder, "now you need to get dried off and we'll take care of her from here," Aster looked at her with a questioning look, "I promise."

He was silent for a second, "I didn't wanna see 'er get hurt, I shoulda had a better hold a'her back there-"

"Bunny! We know how you feel. Jack went crazy when you leaped off after her, mumbling and darting around. But you care for her a bit differently, huh?" Tooth smirked at her friend.

"Wh-what? No! Don't even say that alright! I ain't thought about that in my life! She's just new and... has been through a lot so yeah I'm gonna care for 'er!" Aster became defensive which only led Tooth to start giggling.

He growled slightly, "rack off! I'm goin to the Warren," he tapped his foot twice but stood for a second, "... tell me when she's up." Tooth nodded before he disappeared into the ground.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a safe and happy day/night!! Bye!

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