Chapter 5 Thank You

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OooOOoooHHhhhh!!!!! This is gonna be a really cute chapter so I won't stall!! Enjoy!


You never knew how scary it was to walk over to a giant bunny who was angry. It was... scary. Thinking of what to say wasn't easy either, how do you talk to a fuming Pooka? He seemed to glance up at you for a second before repositioning himself against the wall, still looking at his boomerang.

You sucked in air preparing to speak as calmly and collectively as you could, "sup kangaroo," you mentally slapped yourself.

He walked away while rolling his eyes, "hey, hey wait! Aster hey! I'm sorry!" He turned down a hallway, "I just wanted to thank you..." you turned down the hallway to see that he stopped.

"For, everything back there," his ear turned to listen, "for blocking Jack's snowball attack, comforting me about being a guardian and, holding me when I fainted..." You yourself had to look away from him out of embarrassment, "and for, *sigh* comforting me when I woke up. That's all," as you started walking out of the hallway Aster had turned to look at you.

"Yer welcome, dove," he stopped you from turning the corner.

You looked back to see he had the most triumphant smirk on that fluffy face of his, "were you faking?!" You took a few steps towards him with obvious shock and embarrassment, "w-whyyyy would you do thaaaatt??" You used your arm to gesture out into the main area.

He chuckled shaking his head, "well I was upset, but hearing ya apologize an thank me," he chuckled yet again, "it was cute," your attempt at not blushing failed as your annoyed grunting turned into whining.

"And here I was thinking you were being nice to me!" Aster was enjoying this.

He put his paws up in defense, "ay now, I said 'your welcome' and called you cute! I'd say that's bein nice,"

"Oh ok, so making fun of me for being serious with you, let alone APOLOGIZING and THANKING you, then calling me cute, yeah that's awfully nice, seems sexist but hey? You are the world-famous Easter Kangaroo, so what can I say?" You gave him the most innocent smile you could hold, while his nose twitched with a threatening look in his- quite beautiful- eyes.


The second he said that you were seriously regretting the dress and wished you were in something you could at least run in! But you backed up instead, "this so isn't fair!" You screamed as you turned the corner and attempted to jog towards North's office.

Then, as expected, you tripped. Only, you had to stop and look yourself over once you got back up. Which was a really bad mistake. You were thrown over Bunny's shoulder and found it pointless to fight back since he really couldn't do anything to you.

"I know you won't do anything, considering I'm the one who deserves an apology." You notice that he was heading towards the railing, "Uuhhhhhh Aster why are you- WAHH!!" You were now hanging upside down desperately trying to bunch your dress together around your thighs while Aster held your lower calf with one arm.

He smirked down at you, "you are such a perverted and crazy animal!"

"Apologize." He commanded.


"Yes," his grasp loosened now holding your ankle.

"OK! Ok, how about on 3 we both apologize?" He thought for a moment.

"Deal," he looked down at your struggling form.

"1...2..3!! I'm sorry!!"

"Sorry," you sighed relieved that he said it too.

You were then flung up into the air and onto the ground with a loud thud, your head hit the floor hard making you wince, "you jackass!!" Your eyes watered up.

When you opened your eyes you saw why. Black sand and clouds passed just above you and Aster, who was laying over you. Your eyes glanced at him with surprise before following the dark mass to the top of the globe where a pure black figure formed. The figure was that of pure blackness, it had the shape of Pitch, but no real body. A bone-chilling screech erupted from the entity, making you cover your ears.

A door swung open and slammed shut, "what in blazes-!? Oh no," it was North.

The entity laughed, "oh how wonderful this is," Your eyes were wide with fear, "it feels so good to see you all again," It was Pitch.

Aster slipped a paw behind your head and under your waist, forcing you to look at him, "don't scream!" He begged in a hushed tone, which made you nod.

He pulled you off the ground a bit making you wrap your arms and legs around him, despite the dress. His foot hit the ground twice before you both disappeared into a tunnel popping up next to the others. This fast movement made you dizzy and your head throbbed causing you to grab the back of your head. Your feet touched the ground but Aster wouldn't let go of your waist even when Jack hastily grabbed your arm reassuring you he was there. When you and Jack made eye contact he could see your eyes both full of pain and fear.

"Ah what fun! I see you have a new recruit, Princess (Y/n), I could hardly recognize you." The way he said the last part made you get chills. "Don't worry I don't plan on hurting anyone here, I just need her. So I suggest you come peacefully beautiful~" Jack shot ice at Pitch only to have it blocked by a wave of dark sand and cloud.

"You won't touch her!" Jack flew around the workshop shooting attack after attack.

"Jack!" You yelled for him.

Tooth raced up to a wave and sliced it with her wings allowing one of Jack's attacks to hit. Together they were able to land several hits in a matter of seconds. An explosion of frost surrounded the entity making a cloud of cold snow and frost. Tooth and Jack hovered a few levels up while the workshop grew still. Once the frost had settled there was nothing there, for a minute everyone was waiting, eyes darting to anything that moved. Faint laughter sounded from all around suddenly, before growing louder.


Oh, cliffhangers~ how I enjoy thee so! Welp that's chapter 5, until the next chapter!! BYYYEEEEE!!!

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