Chapter 9 Memories to Keep, Feelings That Go

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Heyo! Hope you all are doing lovely and I hope you think this chapter is lovely as well. Enjoy!


"Tell me everythin ya can," Aster sat patiently.

"Well, the night started out normal, my parents were putting me in bed, telling me a story and playing around a bit, hmp, especially my dad. Halfway through the story we all heard something from outside that instantly grabbed their attention and put them on edge. There was this silence before my mother went to look out my window which viewed down towards the main entrance. She got scared. My parents whispered to each other before attempting to calmly tell me to stay in my room, then left.

"I did stay in my room for awhile, hiding in my bed and peaking outside. The last time I looked outside there was a fleet of soldiers coming down to aid my father in a fight. In that moment of both fear, and I guess courage, I went against my parents command. I left my room despite the castle now falling apart and knowing there was a huge battle only a wall away. I wanted to help, to be there, to do something!" You continued the events leading up to Kathrine taking you away. "That's it, that's what really happened."

There was silence from Aster, he was shocked. He felt the pain in every image that you told, you have a reason for feeling this way and it was more than he could have imagined. Even with you having a different story than his, he understood the pain and loss that he had experienced too. Like you, he hasn't told a lot of people about himself, where he came from, what happened to him.

"Wow, I just, I don't know what ta say," your face seemed to drop, "besides that it looks like we both have the same problem," you looked at him curiously.

"What does that mean?" You smirked a bit, using the same line he previously used on you.

He chuckled "well, let's just say I'm an alien, and these old ruins that cover the place have quite'a story,"

You pouted, "come on Bunny, that's not fair! I told you my story. Tell me yours," his ears folded back slightly as he looked skeptical, "you can trust me."

He complied due to the sweet look you gave him, "alright, but not a bloody word leaves ya mouth, got it?" You nodded prompting him to start.

Aster dug as far back into his memories as he could before speaking, "back before I found the earth I fought way back in the Golden Age. I had friends and family, and each battle I hoped I would make it back to em. The last battle I had fought tore our ships apart, once I was aware that I was alone I had to retreat to the nearest galaxy I could find. The ship was in bad condition and I ended up crashing on earth. With no connection to anyone I slowly settled in and decided to stay put, here in the Warren.

"I used some of my magic to build this place and keep a bein like Pitch and his spawn from discoverin me. The stones and ruins were tributes to the Pooka who I fought with, and the family and friends I had left. After I became a guardian I asked Manny what had happened to my kind, there was no easy way of puttin it. I was the last one. Now Imma guardian of hope."

Hearing his story now, you knew why he trusted you with knowing this stuff, you understood and both put others before yourselves. He was someone you could trust and open up too more because of those little similarities. You both knew this and wanted to protect it.

"Bunny," you locked eyes with him, "it's impossible to fix the past, but the people that you have now will always have hope with them. Your purpose is to help people, not fix things," you bit your lip trying to think of something else to say.

"I think we both know that deep down, we might never get over those experiences, but we can leave them in our past and make room for our future. We both trusted each other with our stories which is a way of letting those feelings go while still remembering what made us who we are now," Aster smiled at your sincere words making you smile back.


Alright, alright I know this one was just a bunch of backstory and Aster's story isn't even cannon and it's really fluffy and gushy but it's part of my story and it will be used! Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one! Stay inside!!! Byyyeeeee!!!

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