Chapter 8 To The Warren

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Heyo everyone! Here's chapter 8 and let me say it is cute!! And kinda sad but I've said too much already. Enjoy!


Considering your already freezing temperature and hurt leg, it made sense why you didn't want to wake up. Alas, twas a terrible sleep as yet again the same nightmare of that night struck you. Luckily Tooth quickly replaced the nightmare with a weird and pretty exciting update, that you would be living with Bunny in the Warren for a few days. After telling you she flew off to get the guys returning a minute later with everyone. You greeted everyone- with the best non-dead smile and wave you could show.

"Alright I'm ready to head to warmer weather if you guys don't mind," you stretched and flipped the covers off of you letting your feet dangle over the bed.

You noticed your clothes had been changed into a loose sweater and leggings, definitely warmer than a dress. Tooth and North were able to put you on your feet but your numbness and injury made you cling onto them for dear life. You were able to walk by yourself once entering the workshop, took a few falls but you managed.

Aster had you on his back within seconds, "Woah, woah, WOAH!" you almost slipped off until he grabbed your thighs and hoisted you back up, "thanks. So it's a uh, 3 days that I'm staying with him?" Tooth nodded.

You gave a concerned look as Aster tapped his foot twice, "might wanna hold on."

"Yeah ok, bye everyBODY! AAAHHHH!!!" You were practically falling straight down before being jerked left and right through the crazy rabbits tunnels.

You gripped onto the Pooka for dear life even after you felt the warm air and spring smells. He patted your thigh and unhinged your arms from around him, making you look at the beautiful world around you. Your very first trip to the Warren, and you were absolutely amazed after the first glance! You gasped when you saw the little eggs running at you from seemingly everywhere. You carefully picked them up and gawked over them, not caring that you looked like a little kid.

Aster couldn't help but chuckle at you, he knew the other guardians found the eggs weird or dumb looking but you obviously didn't. He couldn't wait to show you everything the Warren had.

"Bunny! You never told me how ADORABLE these little guys are!" You now sat on the ground with the eggs hopping on your legs, running around, and falling over.

Aster walked closer to you making some of the eggs want his attention, "ya never asked," you rolled your eyes.

"Come on," he reached his paw out to pull you up, "I got a lot to show ya dove," this made you smile.

The whole afternoon then proceeded with Bunny showing you the whole process of how he paints the eggs. Joking around and goofing off made  Aster quickly unwind and lose the 'tough guy' persona, showing his more playful and kind side. Eventually, you both were becoming tired and he led you to a small pond with a willow tree hanging over it, and where the creek of glitter faded into pure water.

"This is so much fun, wish I had this feeling all the time," you dipped your bare feet in the slightly warm water now feeling way better.

"What'd ya mean?" Aster sat beside you.

"Oh, you know, freedom, joy, peace. It just feels... relaxing." You let your eyes close as a soft breeze blew through your hair.

Aster wouldn't admit it, but right then and there you looked gorgeous, the sun hitting your skin just right with your hair swaying slightly, your relaxed expression, everything, "trust me, my days aren't this great all the time either, gets busy." You huffed before laying back on the grass, your expression changed, "somethin wrong?"


"That's a load of shit and we both know it." You simply glanced at him.

"Uh language," you scolded.

Bunny did an eye roll, you sighed, "I had that nightmare again, that... memory. God it- it just won't go away," You covered your eyes with your arm.

"Stuff like that sticks with ya, can't control it, just gotta find a way to let it go. Can't keep letting it haunt ya, cause it's already hurting ya."

"And how do I do that? Nobody even knows what really happened that night so nobody can help me," You realized what you said and grew wide-eyed, "ignore what I just said!"

"What did that mean?" Aster quickly knew something was wrong and he wasn't letting it go.

"I said drop it!" You started walking away, not getting far before Bunny grabbed your arms and forced you up to face him.

Your eyes were watery as you attempted to break free, "Dove I ain't lettin ya go til you tell me whatcha mean."

After a minute, you broke down, crying cause you couldn't hold it back, you stopped struggling, "I'll help ya," he pulled you into an embrace, "I promise."

He sat you down by a tree where he wiped your eyes and waited for you to start talking.

"Nobody knows the whole story. Besides Yem, Cupid, Zera, and Katherine. That's how it's supposed to be." You refuse to look at Bunny.

"Tell me (y/n) and I promise I will help ya, however I can," Aster didn't realize he was pleading so much.

"Never heard you beg before. Kinda convincing, just like everyone else's promises... look Aster, there is nothing anyone can do about this. It's pointless to even mention it." You lower your head onto your crossed arms.

"If it's so pointless then how come you were finally able to let go a bit with that crying, you keep it bottled up and that's why nothing 'as happened. You let those nightmares come in, but not out," He really did make sense but it's not easy like that.

"But I-"

"Don't have a place to let it out?" You were shocked he knew what you were gonna say, "let this be your place, your gonna be here a few days and as long as you want, so there's no reason for you to hold back!"

You thought for a minute before taking a deep breathe, "ok, ready for a story?"


Heyo! Not really a cliffhanger but I wanted to end it here anyways. Hope you all enjoyed! Bye!

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