Chapter 7 Plans And Waiting

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Heyooo everybody!!! Lele here with chapter 7. Nothing to report, stay safe everyone! Please enjoy!


It had been a few days since Pitch attacked the Guardians at the workshop, and since (y/n) had fallen into a small coma. Aster was in the Warren simply wandering around and checking up on things. He was also deep in thought, mainly about (y/n) and what Tooth had said. He questioned her condition, how she hadn't woken up in days, and his own feelings for her. With the few days he's had to think, he feels he's in denial about his feelings towards her yet still refuses to think he ''likes'' you. Sure he's thought about being with someone, but after his kind was wiped out he gave up on finding "the one". Even if he did admit to liking (y/n) there's no way things would work or that she would feel the same way.

Aster shoved his thoughts aside as he walked towards his home. Thanks to his old life and tribe there were still many relics and structures that dotted the underground space. One of which was his own home that was built against a cliff, a large stone dome that was covered in plant growth and carvings. Aster couldn't help but reminisce to when he was younger and was a bit wiser and mechanical. Sure he may have forgotten about his mechanical work and decided to use nature for his job now but he was happy with his change.

His thoughts again returned to her, the girl he couldn't shake off and who seemed to make him feel things he hadn't felt in a long time. One thing that made him ache in guilt was when Pitch attacked and he ended up throwing her on the ground. He had heard what she said and knew he had caused her pain, maybe that's why he felt so protective of (y/n), the guilt? Maybe, but he did piece every moment he had with her into one section, moments where he was teasing, holding, and even flirting with the girl. All those moments he could collect were from over forty years of just being around her.

Aster's ears twitched as a voice came from the Warren, "Bunny!" It sounded like Jack.

The polka's excitement took over, "she awake?!" He called towards the flying sprite.

"Yeah, she just woke up, meet me there." With that, both of them headed to the workshop.


Aster hopped out of his tunnel and into the room you were in, "(y/n), is she-"

"Sshhhhhh!!" Tooth interrupted him pointing at your sleeping form, "she just fell back asleep, she was freezing and in a lot of pain when she woke up so Sandy put her back to sleep," she spoke in a hushed tone glaring at him.

The Pooka put his hands up in submission and defense, " how the bloody hell was I supposed to know? I was told she was awake."

A small moan made everyone look at the resting girl with worry. She slightly twisted in the bed pulling the covers up to her eyes with her eyebrows furrowed in discomfort. North gently felt her forehead before shaking his head.

"She is still very low, her leg will not be able to heal while her body is stiff and cold," North frowned.

"We could move 'er to my place," everyone looked at Bunny.

He then realized what he said yet still managed to keep his composure. A minute of silence, glances, and processing passed before Jack broke the silence.

"Uuhhhhhh, is E. Aster Bunnymund home, cause if so I'd like to ask him some questions?" Aster growled as he rolled his eyes.

He moved closer to the side of the bed, "look, it's the best place to take 'er right now, it's warm, it's relaxin, and she'll be well hidden and protected!" He made obvious points, which all the guardians followed with his idea after some careful consideration.

After they all agreed, Tooth said she'd stay with (y/n) and explain everything to her when she woke back up. Meanwhile, the guys could do more investigating into Pitch and the Reaper. The guys decided to call up Ombric and Katherine in Santoff Clausen about Pitch and to get information on Damian. They used one of North's devices he made specifically for this type of occasion, with a direct link to Ombric, so it would be private and unknown. Kathrine answered instead, though it wasn't an issue, so North did most of the talking and explaining of the most recent events. Katherine gasped when she heard you agreed to be a guardian, but her joy fell after being told about Pitch's attack and the Reapers involvement. Getting serious they all discussed a good date to meet up and properly take action since the old wizard and storyteller girl were busy with the new school and sanctuary. Katherine recommended meeting a few days later since both of them were available.

"What about Cupid, Zera, and Yem?" Jack asked, "they need to be involved, (Y/n) is gonna need them when we're not around."

"Hm, your right... I will speak with them as soon as I can, I promise, no doubt they'll agree to help us - more so for (Y/n) - but if that's all I need to do I'll let you all go now," Kathrine jotted a reminder in a notebook of hers before looking back at the guys.

"what about 'er old stalker, Damian, Reapers kid? Got any idea where he is?" Bunny asked.

Katherine seemed surprised to hear his name, "uh, he hasn't been here lately but I can ask around and see of his whereabouts?" Bunny gave a single nod, "Alright well thanks for catching me up on everything I'll try and get everyone checked off before next week," Katherine looked off to the side as though listening to someone, "uhhh, I have to go, bye everyone!" 

The device clicked off and the guys were left to wait, though there were a few minutes of awkward silence. North soon got distracted by some yetis and elves and Sandy flew up out of the workshop to do his job of giving dreams. Now Jack and Aster were left alone.

"Hey, kangaroo?" The Pooka glared at Jack, "you seem odd lately."

Walking towards the globe, he somehow felt what Jack was asking, "What do ya mean?" Aster came off rude but that doesn't phase the winter sprite.

"Ok correction, you seem odd around (y/n), TO (y/n) and it's not bad odd? Just weird," Aster simply stared at him not replying before walking away.

"Awe come on Bunny!" Jack flew after him, "then I guess my only conclusion to you acting weird is that you must really like (y/n),"

"No I don't like 'er! I care for 'er sure, but no more no less, so don't start saying things you don't know," Aster was a foot away from Jack who was trying to hold in his laughter.

Aster felt like punching the kid right then and there, only he didn't cause Tooth flew into the workshop, "Guys! She's awake!"


Whoop whoop! Not a very progressive chapter but tells ya how the lovable bun is feeling during all this. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Bye!

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