Chapter 16 Damian

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Heyo all! Been a while I know but i've got some fun things happening this chapter so I won't keep you waiting.


Everyone walked through the large doors taking in the marvelous fortress, North was especially proud since he helped create it. You hadn't seen this place for over a century and so many wonderful memories came flooding back. Kathrine ran straight ahead, where a large statue of the one and only Ombric Shalazar stood, his hat, beard, and stern expression stood out the most. You weren't around when he passed, even when he could transport his spirit through time you never spoke to him once you were sent away. In a way there was a sense of guilt but you knew what he'd say if he was here 'I always promised you would return home after finding your purpose'.

A slow clap echoed in the room making everyone turn to face whoever it was. "Well that was quite the show, brava!" Damian.

There was something intimidating about his presence, or maybe it was because he seemed locked on you. You hadn't realized how stiff you became until his gaze moved off of you allowing you to breath out your nerves.

Cupid marched up to him, "and where have you been? You know how sketchy it is for you to show up mere minutes after Pitch just attacked!"

Damian pushed him back with a finger, "calm down lover boy, I simply wasn't around this morning and by the time I heard of this terrifying charade our dear Guadians had already arrived and dealt with this in quite the timely manner I must say. Again, brava!" He was taking this very lightheartedly as he casually wandered around the group with a grin on his face.

He started his way up to Tooth, the elaborate metal pieces on his coat gave little *tinks* as his boots sounded each step. From where you stood, you caught the way he eyed her and it was a look you became familiar with. So you instinctively walked in front of Tooth stopping him in his tracks. She touched your arm, whether it was for reassurance or thanks you hardly acknowledge it as your eyes locked with his.

He huffed with a smirk, "I'm simply overjoyed to see this little doll return home after so many years. You look stunning by the way, I do hope we get the chance to.. catch up later?" He started to lean into you.

You held yourself and shot him down, "I doubt that." Taking a page from his own conniving book noticing Bunny attempt to approach but was stopped by Sandy you whispered, "back away, or the coat gets dirty." You pushed him back with your finger.

His eyes widened, amused, if a little flustered, he cleared his throat, "well I apologize for the intrusion. I can take the hint," he adjusted his coat as a smirk lined his lips, "even if it is enticing." The way he clicked his tongue with a wink as he turned had you scrunching your nose.

You watched him walk back outside assuring yourself you did the right thing. Kathrine rejoined the group without the book, "alright the book is safe, secure and now we have to bring everyone back, so, who's volunteering?"

Jack flew over to Katherine, "Hold on a second, Damian just showed up, I thought you told us he wasn't here?" Jack stared at Kathrine, who was just as confused.

"Bloody show pony made an entrance." Aster spoke up moving to stand next to you.

Zera flicked some dust off of her shoulder, "oh he does that a lot these days, and I know it's because he doesn't want his hands gettin dirty doing the right thing." The distain in Zera's voice was paired with a grimace.

Katherine rubbed her temple, "I withheld telling him anything about you all coming, but that obviously fell through. I'm sorry everyone."

Your eyes furrowed, this definitely wasn't on her, "I don't know if him being here is a good sign or not but he definitely isn't the priority right now. Santoff Clausen and it's people are." You reminded yourself of where everyone exactly was, "and everyone is still out in the woods so let's go!"

The group was quickly split up, with Jack and Bunny staying behind to clear the rest of town. Tooth and Sandy had their own jobs to attend to and took the small amount of time to give dreams and collect teeth. North got pulled back into the palace with Katherine as he was trusted with knowing where the book was. That left You, Zera, Cupid and Yem to get everyone from the safe houses.

As soon as you got outside you charged for your old friends, "I MISSED YOU!" They practically wheezed as you squeezed the life out of them.

When you let them go Cupid rolled his shoulders while Zera stood still, "I uh," she shook it off, "missed ya too," she grabbed your arm and pulled you forward, "now let's go, we got kids to move."

Zera led the way into the forest, You followed close behind her making conversation about each of your new found abilities. She gained some spell casting that Ombric used to do, apparently she's taken over the orphanage that was built some time after you left. Cupid had some new found abilities in finding soulmates and became quite the famous couples therapist in Santoff Clausen and for other beings around the globe. The hike was relatively quick, and beautiful, it gave everyone some time to catch up but you definitely wanted to sit with both of them later and discuss more present matters (cough* cough* Bunny cough*). The safe house was technically a small cave with some supports and a gate at the entrance, an old abandoned mine most likely. Zera called for everyone to come out, everyone being a small group of adults and several kids. When your group arrived back in town more people were coming out of the woods having sought refuge away from the safe house.

They got closer and you recognized the little boy you saved earlier just as he was running up to meet you. You nearly fell over from him running into your legs but caught yourself, he hugged you, which brought a smile to your face. Bunny watched from beside Sandy-who had shown up right then-and was quick to notice and made little heart figures and mocked him. You looked up in time to see him swat at the sand as Sandy waved to you. You waved back confused before bringing your attention back to the kid who was ecstatic and jumping around asking you funny questions. You talked to him for awhile before sending him to meet Santa himself.

"Well I'm glad to see the little ones are alright," you nearly jumped out of your skin when Damian spoke, "thanks to you and the Guardians of course." He stood next to you and watched the kids tackle North.

"Thank you." Was all you could muster.

He looked at you, a sorrowful glint in his eyes "I know you still despise me. I can't change that, but I can attempt to mend it." You met his eyes when he took your hands, "so let me start with an apology, and my sincere gratitude for you and your friends' bravery."

His charm was on another level, "oh, well this is surprising, but thank you Damian." You smiled at each other.

He still held your hand, "it was a pleasure my dear, I do hope to gain your trust the more we talk?" he bowed giving you a gentle kiss on your hand.

A hint of red flushed your cheeks, "in your dreams." He backed away with a playful smirk.

The buzz of Toothiana's wings grew close until she was hovering over you, "what did he say to you?" She kept her voice low but was obviously concerned.

"Not anything crazy, just that he wanted to thank us and start amending things with me," she tilted her head her eyes studying you, "look I'm not about to start trusting him if that's what your wondering, he still gives me the creeps."

She hummed, "don't you think his timing is a little on the nose?"

You pondered her question, "you mean how as soon as he finds out we're all coming he just so happens to be gone when Pitch is here only to show up once he's vanished? No that's not weird at all." Your sarcasm got eye rolls from the two of you along with stifled laughter.

She hovered to face you placing her little hands on your shoulders, "please just promise me you won't go anywhere alone with him, if he's up to something, it's going to involve you." You nodded, completely agreeing with her.

I hope you guys enjoyed a little introduction to Damian, very conflicting guy. Stay tuned folks! Have a good one!

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