Chapter 3 Explain

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Heyo everybody! Here is chapter 3, hope you like it and have a wonderful day/night/morning/evening!! XD


You turned to see the one and only Toothiana flying straight at you, "oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh~" she sang the last part.

Then you were met with a giant hug, "Mmmm!! I've missed you!" She let go of you, "It's been too long."

You relaxed and smiled at the feathered spirit, "well it has been twenty years since we've actually talked," her energetic face softened with a hint of sadness.

"Ah, yes there she iz, how've you been (y/n)?" The Russian accented man you adore questioned from behind Tooth, Sandy was also hovering beside the jolly man, "it lookz like you got here alright. Right?" North sent a glance towards Bunny.

Just as he was about to reply you beat him to it as you walked towards him, "oh yeah it was great! The sack was uncomfortable, not to mention the feeling of being on a rollercoaster was fun, but I did get a little queasy towards the end." You interlaced your arm with his, looking at him innocently while he rolled his eyes.

North pinched the bridge of his nose while Tooth giggled at your description. Cold wind now filled the workshop making you hug Bunny's arm for warmth and support since it was pretty strong. Bunny seemed to lean towards you (not that you really noticed this small yet suggestive detail ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) until it died down.

"Haha," Jack laughed as he flew around the room before landing on the globe looking down at you, "(y/n) catch!"

Before you could react a snowball was headed right for your face, typical. Time seemed to slow a bit as the object grew closer and Aster's arm swiftly blocked it. The snowball broke against his leather bracer, "wow, nice reflex, thanks kangaroo," you patted his arm before gently pushing it down allowing you to walk forward.

Bunny was FLABBERGASTED, "uh what-, I'm nota bloody kangaroo?!" Jack let out a disappointed 'aw' before floating down to the group.

"Man your a real buzzkill, that would have hit her in the face!" You punched Jack's shoulder, "ow! Alright I'm sorry!"

"Yeah nice to see you too brain freeze," Jack put an arm around your shoulder as a side hug as you both laughed a bit, "Ok so why are all of us here again?"

"Cause Manny called us 'ere dove, we know why," Aster used a boomerang to point at the guardians, "you don't."

You just looked confused, then North spoke, "don't lizen to him we do not know why you are 'ere exactly, just zhat Manny wanted to, ehh, ask you something." He seemed to think about what he said, this only made you curious.

"And what would that be?" You questioned.

"I don't think you'll have to wait," Tooth said while looking at something, "looks like he really wants to show you."

Everyone turned towards a blue crystal in the center of the floor, Jack still had his arm around you but took it off as you walked towards it. A moonbeam entered the crystal making a hologram.  It was you! The confusion was obvious on your face until you remembered how Jack became a guardian, then your face went completely blank.

Jack chuckled under his breath to the other guardians, "she knows." Everyone smirked or smiled.

You slowly turned while pointing at the crystal, "this uh, this mean what I think it means?" Everyone nodded.

You looked from the crystal to the guardians, then put your hands on your face rubbing your eyes before letting your fingers run through your hair. Grabbing a handful in each hand, you looked at Jack who was grinning widely, then at the floor, then the sky. Eventually, you started squealing and bouncing like a child. The guardians all laughed and smiled at your cute reaction.

"This is real? This is- oh wow, I'm a guardian. I'm-I mean, how? Why?" Your smile fell, "why? Me?" Jack came to your side, "why would he choose me?"

"Heh well, now you know how I felt," Jacks attempt to make you smile backfired.

"But you have powers, and you control winter, and you had a purpose the second you came out of the ice. Me? I'm an orphan with no powers, I've  been passed around all my life, and it's not like I'm anything unordinary, there's no reason for me to be a guardian." You turned away from the sprite fiddling with the sleeve of your hoodie, "all of you made your worth, proved yourselves, hell, you've been the worlds biggest idols for centuries."

There was silence, "That's where your wrong dove," the giant Pooka spoke as he walked up to you, "I didn't want anything to do with North and Katherine when they showed up on my island, my personality wasn't the best either, but I was still chosen." He crouched down to look at your slightly watery eyes, "Though I didn't like it at first, I learned what it meant to have relationships again, and I still don't understand how, but Manny is always right," Aster wiped a tear from your cheek while holding your face for a few seconds before removing it.

Tooth was flying over to you, "and your not the only one who was an orphan who never knew where they belonged," Tooth did a half smile as she grabbed both your hands.

North and Sandy were the final ones to walk over to you, "plus no matter your past or who you are, being guardian means protecting and helping those who are lost with nothing, or content with everyzing, it iz both a gift and destiny." Sandy gave you a thumbs up while making a sandy moon above his head.

You smiled shaking your head and taking a deep breath, "gosh I'm too emotional huh?" You tilted your head back slightly, thinking, until a bunch of moonbeams came from the sky and filled the crystal even more.

Something wasn't right. The moonbeams formed another hologram, only the bright blue color was replaced with a dark grey hue. A hooded figure with a robe that touched the ground and a long scythe put the whole room on edge. What was worse was that the hologram was large, like eighteen feet high, allowing the whole workshop to see. Only one man could silence a room and put THE Guardians on edge.

"The Reaper," you mumbled, "him and Pitch?"

"What?" North practically yelled, "did you say him, and Pitch?" He took a few steps towards you.

"Y-yeah a moonbeam told me that Pitch was back just before I got here, maybe it was trying to tell me that the-"

"Don't!" Aster cut you off, "don't say 'is name."

You turned back to the crystal speaking now to the moonbeams, "are they really back?" The beams glowed, yes.


Ayo this is the end of chapter 3 and hope you enjoyed!

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