Chapter 17 Revelation

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Hey there! How are you today? Have you eaten, or drank some water yet? No? BITCH WHAT ARE YOU DOING GO GET A BOTTLE AND MAKE A SANDWHICH!!! I love you guys enjoy!


By the time families were returning to their homes and the guardians had assured everyone that Pitch was gone you snuck into the palace to catch a break from the adorable kids, and to look around. You wandered around the huge room eyeing the stained glass windows and elaborate art pieces eventually getting to Ombric's statue, or memorial. You heard about his passing from North because Ombric had asked of his jolly friend to watch out for you. The time you spent with the humans and their cultures and history taught you a lot, it's what made it easier to stay even when the people you met and eventually forced to forget you were truly evil. Ombric never told you why he decided to send you away, hell, you found out when Kathrine confronted him in the library about it mere weeks before you left. He was strange like that, but he was Father Time, so you have to give him a little credit for whatever it was that led him to that decision.

You stared at the carved stone, "what was it for?" At barely a whisper you simply had to ask.

"You wouldn't believe him even if he told you himself," Yem's tone was soft, a big contrast to when she charged for Santoff Clausen earlier.

You turned to face her, seeing Katherine standing beside her, the height difference was certainly noticeable, "I can believe that." You sighed crossing your arms in contempt, "I gave up on asking when I left and tried to move on from it when he.. passed. All I wanted was answers, and a century later, I have barely anything." You leaned against a pedestal letting your head fall into your propped hand.

Katherine shared this look with Yem, one of worry and knowing, "maybe it's time you receive those answers." You furrowed your brows facing them, "come on, there's something you need to see." She started heading out the front doors.

Yem nodded her head for you to follow, only you watched her glide to North once she exited after you and whisper something to him. Katherine was headed to Big Root, the place she at one time called home with Ombric, now it was a place for her stories and contributing books on the magical and whimsical. You could only imagine what it was she had to show you, after all you had read just about every book in the place, except for the romance novels, those were always Cupids thing.

The winding staircase went all the way to the treetops where a very special large goose named Kailash nested, "hello Kailash!" You bounded over to the creature receiving a honk in return as she let your hands glide down her large neck.

Katherine smiled at the sight before turning to the leaves, "Mr. Quirty, theres someone I'd like you to see!" You both looked to the sound of fluttering that soon revealed a large book that was actually a butterfly with its wings being the pages.

The creature landed on the railing, "oh yes ms. Katherine, Oh! (Y/n) my how you've grown, what a delight!" You missed this little guy.

Katherine seemed frozen in thought for a few seconds before taking a shaky breath, "Mr. Quirty, please, show her the story I wrote the night of her arrival here in Santoff Clausen." The little bugs smile faded quickly but reluctantly turned to open the book of Katherine's stories.

You slowly walked over to the book, "Katherine what is this?" The look in her eyes only worried you more, "I don't know if I want to read this now."

She squeezed your hand, "I'm so sorry, but this is the only way I can show you." Before you could respond she took your hand and held it to the pages.


Your mind was transported to a plane of pure white, for a moment everything was still, until.

"I cannot bear this."

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