Chapter 4 Memories Reveal

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Heyo everyone!! Sorry for the wait but it's my first day of school so the past two weeks were very busy, I hope you guys can understand! Another chapter, another day, another thing to hopefully keep you happy today! Enjoy!


Everyone was shocked, the Reaper was involved. Although the Reaper isn't necessarily 'bad' he isn't 'good' either. He's the kind of person who will make deals with anyone and everyone, for the right price. Which made this even scarier, what if Pitch made a deal with him? The Reaper always holds his word and never ends a contract, unless something unexpected happens. Pitch and him would truly be horrifying together.

"Wait!" You exclaimed, "he has a son! I knew him when I lived in Santoff Clausen, Damian! His mother was a witch who gave her life so the Reaper would have an heir. He'd know for sure if the Reaper and Pitch had a deal." The Guardians exchanged looks.

Jack walked up to you, "please tell me you are not talking about the one who gave you trouble with his weird ways of showing he liked you," you gave him a nervous chuckle.

"Hehe, umm yeaaahhh him." The others gave either looks of cringe or disgust.

Aster walked up beside you and Jack, "ya do know he's still a pervy creep right?"

"Umm, nooooo. I haven't talked to anyone from there in like twenty years." Jack gave a 'point made' look.

You suddenly felt something, before your vision went black.


'Ugh, where am I?' You held your head, noticing you were surrounded by a strange yet comforting darkness. Looking around you found a weird white spiral, walking towards it made it form some kind of hologram. You realized it was a memory.

A little girl all smiles and giggles, ran along a cliffs edge before being picked up by a man in large white and gold armor. the beautiful sunset held a warm glow while the pair walked towards a woman. The two adults hugged the child as the memory ended.

The smallest smile was on your face as tears fell down your cheeks, you noticed another memory came up.

There was a large room full of people, and creatures. The said pair that were once your parents danced on the floor as a child tugged on the mother's dress. They looked down, the father picked the child up and gently tossed her in the air before the mother took her and started twirling around.

Turning away, your heart grew heavy as you sobbed softly, you missed them so much. The spiral reappeared in front of you again showing you a memory, one you wish to forget.

There, hiding under a desk was you, a noise came from the opposite end of the observatory. This made you quiet. A soft 'hello' came from the other end, the feminine voice called out yet again this time saying your name. You peeked out from under the desk to see Kathrine and-

"No..." there was another being in the room, hiding behind Kathrine in the shadows, "NO!!"

The Reaper.

Then you saw it, in every memory, you were shown he was there hiding in the background, always there. Hovering below the cliffs where the child and parents could not see. Among the crowd as the small family danced. In the shadows, on that night.



Your body jerked as your eyes burst open full of tears now in reality. The fear and anger took over as your senses came too. You let out a blood curdling scream. Now noticing you were being held, you grabbed onto the person who held you and cried.

"H-he... he was th-there... he was always there!!" The person who held you pulled you closer.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) please calm down, tell me what happened!" Jack. Wasn't the one holding you?

You looked up at him crouching down by you, your crying calmed as he wrapped you in his arms. You buried your face in his neck mumbling.

Unbeknownst to you, Jack mouthed a thank you to Aster, who was the one holding you when you fainted. The others held great concern for you, yet also had to question, how did a new dress suddenly replace your hoodie and leggings in a matter of seconds while you were unconscious?

"Uh, hey girlie? You wouldn't mind taking a look at yourself for a second?" Jack gently spoke into your ear.

You lifted your head, "huh?" You looked down at yourself, "ah! Woah?" You wiped your eyes and stood up getting a good look.

You lifted your head, "huh?" You looked down at yourself, "ah! Woah?" You wiped your eyes and stood up getting a good look

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"It's beautiful!" Tooth exclaimed hovering around you, lifting your arms and turning you.

"H-how did this happen?!" You looked from one guardian to the next, getting shrugs and shaking heads, "how could remembering my past make me change clothes! Nothing is making sense!" You sunk to the floor hands hiding your face as you cried.

After a few seconds, you felt a small hand touch your shoulder, you knew it was Sandy. You looked up at him holding out a tissue for you to take, which you did.

"Thanks Sandy." You dried your eyes and blew your nose.

"Now tell us child, what happened?" North was kneeling down looking at you with much concern.

So you told them everything, from when you supposedly fainted, to when you made the biggest realization of your life. They were all listening so intently, even Jack seemed to be really paying attention. It was as though letting all this information flow out of you was greater than any feeling you'd felt in a while. When you finished, everyone was thinking of what to say, well, except for Aster. He was truly mad and you could tell by the way he silently walked away, taking out his boomerang while leaning against a far wall fiddling with it.

"Why would the Reaper be in your memories? Especially on zhat night?" North grabbed his chin in thought before looking at Tooth and Sandy, "why don't you go talk to Bunny no? It looks like he needs it." He whispered to you giving a playful wink.

"And what will you do?" You asked.

North helped you stand up, "all of us have had a run in with zhe Reaper a few times, we will make important call then be back with you two in second." He patted your shoulder before heading towards his office.

You watched the other guardians leave as you puffed up your cheeks and slowly release the air making you whistle quietly. Finally rounding up the courage to speak to the pretty angry looking bun took a second but eventually, you started towards him.


Welp, I hope you guys/girls/other peeps liked this chapter and you guys will definitely enjoy the next one(><) butttt bye for now!

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