Chpater 18 No Apologies

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Welcome back! This chapter was a headache to layout but I hope you guys enjoy these little moments.


Katherine explained why Ombric saw it best that you be hidden among Earth's people and places in case Pitch attempted to find you. Now Katherine sat with you in silence as you processed what she had shown and told you. Kailash had wrapped her neck around you as she slept. Katherine wanted to give you every answer she could find, but all she had to give was a story and the simple things Ombric had exchanged with her. She had taken one glance over the balcony to see everyone still waiting for either of you to come down only giving them a thumbs up that everything was ok.

"I can't blame you." Tears fell from your eyes as you looked at her, "I don't blame Ombric, I get why he made me leave. But Pitch started this, and there is no one else to blame. You were the one who came, you were the one who saved me, don't ever be sorry for that, because there's no one else I trust in this world more than you."


While still waiting outside and the worrisome tension alleviating, Tooth flew up to Yem, "when did Katherine tell you about this?"

Yem sighed, "Honestly, it was Ombric, when I first took her in. Though Katherine disclosed her intentions just before Pitch attacked. Why?"

Tooth thought intensely for a moment, "Pitch first attacked when (y/n) arrived at the Pole. Then just before we get here he decides to attack and steal the book, and corners her here in Big Root once she's alone."

Yem caught on, "she's being targeted, just like her parents were."

Bunny perked his ears at the conversation, "wait, wait, wait, how the bloody hell is he figurin out where she's going? He didn't get 'er when she was with me down in the Warren."

North tapped the pommel of his blade to his chin, "Jack said she had nightmare while in the Warren, he knew where she was so means he or someone must be keeping very close eye on us for that to happen." He had sauntered over to the forming group.

Jack walked over, "wouldn't we have caught onto that, we've been searching day and night for him and your saying he's known where she is all this time?" He jumped up to balance on his staff.

Sandy hovered over forming little sand figures of Pitch above his head and then a figure with a question mark, "Sandy may be onto something," Cupid jumped in, "Pitch is showing up at the perfect times and leaving when he thinks he's made a move. Someone has to be giving info to Pitch or else he wouldn't be this hidden, we know he likes to put on a show."

"Hah! Now we are getting somewhere, I knew you had good head on shoulders." North gave Cupid a hard pat on the shoulder making him wince and rub the spot.

Zera continued to stare up at the balcony, "I got one name to give and I bet we'd all agree he's got something to do with this." She looked to the group with a flare of orange in her dark eyes, "Damian."


You held Katherine's hand with each descending step, "I hope they're not as worried as you said they were." You sighed.

Katherine gave a small chuckle, "I'm sure they'll calm down once they see your alright." You mumbled an 'I hope' in response.

Katherine gave you a nod before opening the door. Seeing everyone all grouped up in the doorway in deep conversation before noticing you was definitely strange. Zera came forward first taking notice of the tear stains on your cheeks and pulling you into a hug.

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