Chapter 10 Where You'll Sleep

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Heyo everybody! Here is chapter 10 and I hope you like it! Maybe... please? (><)


You and Bunny were smiling at each other, after sharing a very serious and emotional moment together, until your leg erupted with pain, "ah! Ow ow ow!" You grabbed your leg pulling up your legging to show the deep cut with Pitch's magic making your skin look dark and nasty, "why does it look like that?!"

Aster didn't say anything as he picked you up then walked under the willow tree to its trunk and roots which were attached to a rock wall supporting it. He sat you down on one of the many rocks as the roots wrap themselves around your leg immediately putting the pain at ease. This honestly was pretty strange as not very many trees were capable of healing, also Aster's reaction was pretty weird too, but you weren't complaining. You noticed the black in your skin was fading which made you feel less panicky.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone about this tree," Aster didn't make it sound like a question so you nodded.

After a few minutes your leg felt way better and the black was completely gone, your guessing Pitch let his magic keep you from healing which is why it took a healing tree to cure. Though you never guessed that the tree would give you a numbing side affect. You laid your head against the cool rock as the tree roots slowly unraveled from your leg.

"Feel betta dove?" Bunny helped you onto your feet though you wobbled a bit.

You attempted to put pressure on it making you fall into him, "woah!" Both your arms were latched onto him as his paws were placed on your waist, "eh, thanks." You felt your face get warm so you pushed off of him leaning on your good leg, "and yeah! I feel better, at least my whole leg doesn't hurt now."

"Can ya move it?" You attempted to move your foot which you could barely do, but you somewhat felt it.

"Yeah just give it a minute," you continued to tense and release it, rubbing it and moving it till you could roll your ankle around, "gosh this has been an eventful week."

Aster chuckled, "little different eh?"

You smiled, "yeah, only a little though," your sarcasm made both of you laugh, "I still don't understand why I'm so tired."

"That's how the body works when dark stuff gets in it, come on, you need sleep," you rolled your eyes as Aster started walking, smiling to yourself that you got to see this side of him.

You ended up having to walk through some shrubs and boulders up a hill that Bunny could obviously just leap over, so you complained about it, "Ugh! You know I'm not a big rabbit right, it hurts to," you moved a branch to see a gorgeous moss covered stone dome, "wow," you noticed the patterns and details on the outside of it and the different birds and trees around it that gave off this amazing effect.

"Yeah, knew it'd shut ya up," you punched his shoulder before approaching the structure.

"This is where you live? This is incredible Bunny!" You gently traced the chipped stone and moss along the wall until you reached the doorway, "Ok if I end up at your doorstep at a random time during the day there is no way you are stopping me from staying here," you turned around smiling so huge you looked like a kid.

Bunny actually looked concerned, "your that excited over this old place, sheila I think ya hit yer head," he did the crazy motion with his paw.

You scoffed at him, "I'm not crazy! Your crazy for not noticing how beautiful this is! I'd give anything to have what you have," you look at the structure one last time before looking at Bunny.

He knew why you were looking at him and rolled his eyes, "fine."

You smiled as you ran to the door and opened it with vigor. The decor and furniture was rustic and natural looking, plants and art were along every wall. You covered your mouth, out of shock and to contain your squealing, though the squealing could not be contained. You saw a hallway and dashed down it noticing only two rooms. One was obviously the bedroom, much like the front room, art and plant life covered seemingly every surface. You turned around to look into the other room, it seemed to double as a painting room and an armory of sorts. This room was mainly filled with paintings, and weapons, though the occasional vine or flower showed itself.

"Like it?" Bunny asked leaning against the hallway.

You turned around smiling, "it's so beautiful! Where will I sleep?"

He nodded towards the bedroom making you think, of things, you shook it off, "What? No, Bunny I'm not sleeping in your room," he noticed the blush.

He chuckled, "thinking of something sheila?"

Your eyes widened, "wuh, psh, no, shut it! It's not like you clarified where you'd be sleeping!"

He laughed, "cause I ain't sleeping, I'll be out doin my job looking after the ankle-bitters."

You were kinda taken aback by that, "you? Look after kids? And here I thought you were an entitled, egg painting, hardcore kangaroo." You smirked.

He scoffed, "get your arse in tha room."

"Hmm, only if you declare me the winner of this round," you took a few steps towards him.

"That'll happen when you learn to control your powers so I don't walk in on you later and embarrass ya two times in one night," his voice got deeper as he leaned down in your face, "alright dove?"

You were dumbfounded, and struggled to make a sound, "make that three times," he patted your pink cheeks before heading out.

Embarrassed, you walked to the bed and sat down. Eventually you gave in and face planted into the pillow to squeal it out. You had no idea what to think, you were annoyed he got to you that easily, but there was something else. You glanced around the room as you sat up, there was a mirror covered by vines with little white flowers. He was right about controlling your powers, you needed to practice, and now that he was gone, you knew you had a few hours at least til he would get back. You stood in front of the mirror and looked at yourself, you had no idea how you transformed fighting Pitch. You went with the cliche advice and just concentrated on thinking of sleep wear for a solid minute. You stopped after nothing happened and became more confused, how does magic work? You had never known the answer but now you needed to know, you wanted to sleep in comfy, light pjs and by Manny you were going to do so!


It's been an hour, nothing has happened, you stood in front of the mirror, eyes closed, almost done vividly detailing your perfect pair of pajamas. Finally you finished, the image perfect in your head, now you thought of it on your body, you slowly opened your eyes. And you were wearing it!! You were so exhausted you could only exclaim yes and walked to the bed where you fell on it, face first. Although it probably took more effort just to get the covers over you, you got cozy and not long after you were fast asleep.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one! Wuv you guys and hope everyone is having a decent quarantine!! Byyyyeeeeeeee!!!!!!

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