Chapter 2 Dreams and Sacks

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Heyo everybody Lele here with chapter two! Thanks for your support I missed doing this for y'all and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Everything goes to its rightful owner.


The creaky door to your apartment opened and closed as you entered, "hello? You home, mom?" Nothing.

You let your bag slide off your shoulder and onto the floor just by the kitchen counter. Looking down the hall then shrugging you went back into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of (f/d) and some (f/f) then closing the fridge. You saw a note that said 'had to leave since you were slow. Don't open the fuckin door for nobody til I get back!'

"Great, who'd you piss off this time?" Even though she wasn't there you wish she could've at least told you.

Putting the note in the corner of your brain you sauntered to your room. You didn't get why you had to be here in the first place. You could have stayed with Ombric or even Kathrine! She was like your sister after all. You're only here because of what happened a long time ago. Then, close to 150 years after living in Santoff Clausen, Ombric sent you to live with a crazy lady who was kicked out of Santoff Clausen. Now you live an invisible life as an immortal who gets erased from everyone's memories after a year or two.

You cleared your head when a tear fell down your cheek. Why did Ombric send you here? You walked over to the bed and just fell on it, literally. Lifting your head from the pillow and taking out your phone, you decided to do what any depressed person would do. Watch YouTube. You didn't care that you would be watching for over two hours. Once you were done you checked the time, 9:30. Eh might as well just go to bed earlier than usual.

You got changed into a baggy hoodie and some leggings(my go-to literally XD). Manny was just starting to peak out from behind the buildings while the stars were just starting to appear. Leaving your curtains open you got under the covers and slowly drifted to sleep. Only, soon you'll wish you didn't.


"Daddy? Mommy?" The voice of a little girl could barely be heard from within the castle hallways.

The screams and flashes outside signaled a fight, the little girl ran faster down the winding halls and staircases until she came out into a ballroom. The ceiling shook and pieces fell to the floor but the girl still ran towards the two large doors that lead to what she never expected.

"You said you wouldn't be here for another three whole weeks!" A feminine voice came from behind the doors.

"Our deal... is the only reason I'm here in the first place!! Now hand her over or I won't hesitate to kill every person under your protection! Including all your family." The dark shadowy voice and figure that stood before the girl's mother sent a coldness to her body.

"Do what you wish! I won't be a part of this anymore!"

"Momma?" Both the figures looked towards the doors where the little girl stood.

Instead of the mother running to protect the child, she turned away. The black object pointed a finger towards the little girl and black inky shadows emerged. When the girl called for her mother, she was no longer in the room. Instead, the girl screamed with tears running down her face as she attempted to run back to her room. The girl began to run and climb through the castle but the shadows were only creeping closer. As the child was running up a stairwell a large pained glass window shattered as a man in dark blue and yellow armor soon stood between her and the monsters. Her father.

"Run! Up to the tower where we watch the stars!" Her father instructed before lunging at the creatures only to have more pour in from all around.

The girl listened and climbed more and more stairs until she reached the top of the castle where a giant observatory was. The child looked around desperately before hiding under a desk. Minutes passed as nothing but silence filled the room, flashes from outside had ceased. A noise sounded from across the room where the girl could not see.


You jolted awake. Shaking and panting with your mind racing. You hated remembering, dreaming only made it worse. Tears formed in your eyes then you began sobbing while curling up in your bed. As you lay there for a few minutes you felt a soft glow cover you, like a lantern's warm light covering someone. Curious, you lifted your head to see Manny full and bright shining down on you. He seemed to be telling you something, opening the window several moonbeams entered your room illuminating it. Ombric taught you how to speak in the moon tongue so translation was easy.

"Wait, Wait slow down! All of you need to stop speaking at the same time!" You pleaded, finding one beam on the window glass grabbing your attention, "Wait ok, so, Pitch is... back? No that can't be right. Jack and the others got rid of him what, 11 years ago? (the movie was set in 2008 I believe) and I need to what? Look behind- AHH!!" As you turned you saw a figure standing in your doorway.

"The frick are you?!?!" You backed up on your bed to the window.

"Sorry to startle ya dove." Only one person called you that and with that accent too.

"O' my lord Aster please do not scare me like that again." He walked into the light of the moon smirking, "why do you look like your about to kidnap me?" You questioned.

"Cause I am."

"Oh, ok. WHAT?!?!" he grabbed your arm and threw you in a sack as he dove into a tunnel, in your bedroom!

Clinging to the bag and eyes sealed shut you felt him navigate the winding and odd tunnels. You felt him jump up then cold air sink into the bag. Your eyes shot open as you struggled to get out.

"I swear, you better let me out! I will hurt you." You were dropped on the floor and finally pulled yourself out.

looking for the giant rabbit, you looked at your surroundings. It was North's place, Santa's workshop in other words. The things - no - creations you saw in this one place always made you smile. You did a 180 before your eyes landed on Aster leaning against a wall.

"Oh, you are so getting punched! Also, why am I here?" Taking a few steps towards him he motioned for you to turn around again.


Ayyeee that's all folks! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and farewell for now!

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