Chapter 19 Late Night Talks

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Heyo! Here's a sweet chapter for you guys because the last few were a lot and it's been awhile, I know you all want that fluff so I hope this ties you over for a bit!


The door slowly creaked shut as you, Cupid, and Zera tiptoed out of the children's room holding your breath that they were all finally asleep. Zera had to finish cleaning the place so Cupid offered to help her and stick around given the attack still worried them. It was a little nippy given the Siberian wilderness wasn't known for its warmth, especially at night. A cloak formed around your shoulders for the short walk back to the palace where the guardians were getting comfortable. The village was still as lovely as you remembered, so much personality in every building. Some places had changed, some were still damaged, but all stood just as they always will.

Sandy was just outside the palace where webs and streams of dream sand trailed into bedroom windows where sleeping children lay. You watched him work as you ducked under the streams letting your fingers brush the particles that now formed a little mermaid that swam around you before entering her stream. Sandy gave you a playful salute once you reached the door, you returned it.

Closing the large door a sense of peace settled in you, the silence aiding your frail mind after the day you've had. You took the stairs up a level where the once elaborate displays of art and grandeur faded into a royally comfortable sitting area. The small entry way was illuminated by the glow of the fireplace and soft chatter was heard. You pulled the cloak off letting it disappear before it could hit the ground. All of the guardians were there.

North was talking to Jack off to the side and gave a toothy smile when he noticed you, "and there she is! How were the children? Oh, wait, wait, wait," he turned to a small table where a kettle and several mugs were, "a cup of fresh hot chocolate. My own recipe of course." He eagerly handed you a mug of steaming hot chocolate that instantly warmed your hands.

You took a sip not wanting to burn your mouth and melted at the taste, "auh, this is just what I needed, thanks North," taking a seat on one of the couches next to Katherine you answered his previous question, "the kids were so stinking adorable, they wanted us to sing to them so we obviously picked lavenders blue and after we tucked them in and waited for them to be asleep, we snuck out so Zera and Cupid could clean the place up." You were going to town on North's hot cocoa.

Katherine closed the book she was reading, "I didn't know you would remember that lullaby, I'm pleased to hear it worked for them as well."

"Hey I'm just glad someone else knows how to deal with kids besides me." Jack's comment gave everyone a chuckle.

You caught Bunny looking your way from his place on the adjacent couch making him shift his gaze, a smirk crept onto your face, "I don't know, you all do well in your own ways, kids really love their Easter bunny though." He shook his head just barely letting the corner of his mouth perk up.

Tooth hover over him leaning over the back of the furniture,"oh really? How so?" She teased.

You recalled a few times that you had witnessed in your more recent years knowing him, "since you asked Tooth, I think it was 1993 when he helped a little girl who got lost in a forest on Easter by making a trail of flowers for her to follow back home. Oh, then in 2008 he scared away some kids that were bullying a little boy by revealing himself when they tried to steal his basket." Tooth and Katherine awed, "and my favorite was last year,when he gave a beautiful basket to a little girl I knew, and she showed me a note that told her there's always something to be hopeful for." Aster was embarassed by you, but he still smiled, until Jack let out a chuckle.

"So you are a big softy?"

He shook his head as he stood up grabbing the mug next to him, "not on your nilly." He winked walking past you to put the mug on the table. Did the fire get hotter in here?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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