Chapter 11 Wierd Morning

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Heyo everyone! Since there's so much free time  I've really been able to do things I love but didn't have the time for, like writing, and doing puzzles! I hope you guys are doing good and I hope your staying somewhat entertained! Enjoy!


A dream.

Different, but still sad, scary, almost real.

It was black, your surroundings. It was quiet, not even you were making a sound, you couldn't tell if you were moving or not. Suddenly children cried out from afar, you ran, or so you thought, towards them. Their screams became louder and soon you could hear your own steps and breath which encouraged you to run. A light, expanding with each step you took towards the crying children, soon outlined many figures. There, you could see them, children of many ages and looks attempted to crawl towards you, crying out in fear.

You reached out for them, yet before you could grab the hand of a young boy, they were taken. A wave of black crashed over them and separated you, their screams vanished but your panicked sobs were still there. You felt a presence behind you, but couldn't move, a claw moved slowly across your neck before pushing your chin up. You first saw Pitch, a menacing smile etched across his face, but half of him was something else. It morphed into Damian, his tan skin meshing with Pitch's own pale color, red suit stitched together to Pitch's own dark apparel. They cocked their head, you screamed, the claw pierced your skin.


You jolted up, body shaking and breathing heavy, you immediately felt your throat, nothing. You started crying, hugging your legs and tucking into a shaky ball, you cried. You couldn't reach the kids, you weren't able to save them, you let fear take over, you failed.

"Dove? The bloody hell happened, talk to me?" After hearing your scream from out in the Warren, Aster rushed to you.

He didn't know what happened but you were shaking a lot and he did a quick check of the room to see if anyone was there, thankfully there wasn't. You jumped hearing him but once you saw it was really him you practically leaped off the bed to hug him. For once someone answered your cries and though you were still scared, he was a comfort. You cling to him as you struggled to breathe through sobs and fur.

He returned the embrace still not understanding what happened, "shh, dove. I got ya," he stroked your hair for a good minute letting you calm down.

Finally you could speak, "I couldn't save them, I couldn't stop it. They took them and I let them."

"Woah, woah," he caressed your face making you look at him, "sit down and tell me what happened, ok?" You nodded before sitting on the bed hugging your legs again.

You rubbed your eyes, "it was a nightmare," Bunny listened intently as you vividly retold what you experienced in your nightmare.

Bunny was genuinely fearful for you, he had no idea where Pitch was last night even after going all around the world. Though he was also surprised at how you practically jumped on him just for comfort. If things weren't serious he would probably be blushing like mad.

You vented to him about your guilt, and what you felt Damian was there for before exclaiming, "I want to be a guardian!"

Bunny had to pause, you said you wanted to think about it and give it time, "what? You said you weren't prepared for it and now you just want to because of some nightmare?"

"Well, yeah. This nightmare means something ok. I failed to protect those kids, I failed to fight of Pitch and Damian, I failed myself because I wasn't strong enough!" You stood up, you were angry, mainly at yourself, "look if I was meant to be a guardian then I should have taken that seriously, but I was scared. I've always been scared, and this nightmare showed me what could happen if Pitch or Damian wins." You were shocked by the way you were expressing yourself, you haven't talked to anyone like this in years.

Bunny shook his head also standing up, "how am I or the others gonna be alright knowing he's afta ya? You 'ardly know howda fight!" His accent went thick with how serious he got.

"I could hold my own for awhile couldn't I? I have powers I never knew about and probably was never supposed to know so do you think I'm stupid for not knowing that? I've lived my life hiding who I am and even I know no ordinary human kid could do what I did back there! I know I can fight I just..." you had to calm down, your voice was crackly and it was hard to breathe, "I need help."

You looked at him, arms crossed with a few tears rolling down your cheeks. He relaxed with a sigh and rubbed his face, trying to think of something.

"*slow whistle*, wow" you and Bunny both jumped looking towards the window to see the white haired sprite.

Bunny was the first to ask, "what are you doing here?"

Then you asked, "what did you hear?"

Jack put his hands up as he sat on the window sill, "I was just checking in, but you guys are busy fighting like a married couple so I'll go," he flew out of the window.

You and Bunny looked at each other confused before you ran to the window and leaned over to look outside. You couldn't see him which made you annoyed, you were already having such a splendid morning. This also made you want to yell at him for calling you and Bunny a couple cause there's already been enough embarrassment between you two. You decided to slide out the window to try and find him, in a tank top and short shorts.


Yeah bit of a dramatic type chapter but that's what happened, trying to get a steady update schedule figured out since I'm officially on summer break. Hope you all enjoyed! Bbyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!!

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