Chapter 15 Santoff Claussen

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Heyo everyone! I hope you all have a happy holidays and new years, let's hope for a great 2023 and take care of yourselves!!<3


A mass of swirling blackness soon came into view, and it was right over Santoff Claussen. You summoned your sword and armor and joined North's side.

His jolly face was now twisted in focus and desperation, "Jack, Tooth fly ahead!"

The fast flyers would surely be alright going head first, but you were worried about the people. Aster and Sandy were taking out what few dark creatures passed by overhead. You watched as Sandy took out a nightmare, but something fell from it. Quickly, you reached out to grab a torn up book gasping when a bump nearly threw you off the sleigh only for Sandy to pull you back with a lasso. You thanked him before tucking the book into one of the benches.

The swarm soon surrounded the sleigh forcing North to pull a speedy landing causing you to jump off before the sleigh could disappear into the trees, the guys did the same. A fight ensued as nightmare men flooded the ground. You were looking everywhere for anyone only catching glimpses of the other guardians. Nightmare men were breaking open the doors and windows to almost every structure, people had to be hiding in them.

You heard voices coming from what looked like a tavern. Sprinting through the madness, you jumped through a window slicing away a mound of the evil creatures where muffled screams were arising. You finally pulled the person up after finishing the last nightmare, and you couldn't believe who it was.

"Oh my MIM! (Y/n)?!" Dark curls were brushed away from a much missed face.

"Zera..." you took in her appearance nearly in shock.

The both of you were frozen as smiles slowly crept onto your faces, beautiful moment ruined by a swarm of creatures entering the room.

"What's happening?" You asked as your blade pierced the dark masses.

Zera leaped behind the counter pulling out glass orbs filled with a liquid and pieces of cloth, "I don't know, they just started swarming the village, we had to evacuate most of the people, but some got trapped." She flicked her finger and with a spark the cloth was lit, she slung the molotov out the window temporarily stopping the creatures, "they need help."

You met her eyes, "where."

It was a mad dash for Big Root, a giant tree turned library now riddled with debris yet any entry way seemed to be closed off.

Tooth met you at the doorway, "we haven't seen Pitch, are there any more people in the village?"

You kicked the door in, "yes, the clock tower has a group inside, and there's a couple trapped in a shop down the road." Tooth helped you move a table that barricaded the door, "make sure they get to the forest, Kathrine should be out there." She nodded before taking off.

You called out, hoping to hear anything, but the silence felt off.

"Oh isn't this pathetic." Pitch, "haven't you learned anything?"

You couldn't see him, but you wanted answers, "why are you doing this? Santoff Clausen has nothing to do with you!"

His laughter was loud, "oh playing hero are we? I suppose those nightmares I gave you weren't as fearful as I thought." His voice hushed, "but it seems your too late. I have what I need."

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