Chapter 12 Fighting Lessons and Fighting

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Heyo everyone, sorry for the wait, world issues are very much more important than a story but I figured this could be another way to spread some joy to all of you, enjoy.

"Jack! Come out before I actually beat you." You walked a short distance before climbing onto a small mountain of smooth mossy rocks. He'd come, you knew it was just a matter of when he felt guilty for leaving you. A few eggs managed to climb up the mini mountain where you held them and let them run around you.

It was a minute before the familiar cold gust came, "done arguing with each other?" He landed beside you on a rock, smug smile and all.

You scoffed at him, "if only, that rabbit loves to argue."

Jack laughed, "aw I'm sure you'll kiss and makeup soon." He hopped around on the rocks.

You blushed, "Jack Frost that is never going to happen!"

"Then why are you blushing?"

"Why haven't you asked Katherine out?" He blushed, "hah I win!"

"Alright, alright you get that one. How you feeling?" He sat down in front of you.

You knew you couldn't tell him everything so you wanted to make it summarized, "lost mostly, with everything going on I just don't know what to do. I want to be a guardian and help but I just found out I have powers and don't even even know what they do! You should have seen me last night struggling just to change into this, it took hours and even then I don't know how it happened."

He chuckled at you, "looks like you need some practice."

You smirked at him, "well do you know someone who has similar powers to mine, that could maybe help me?" You crossed your arms.

He shrugged, "don't think so, but I can help ya with something that isn't powers."

"Oh, what could you possibly teach me?" You stood up and slid down the rock.

Jack flew down and walked with you, "your fighting techniques."

You actually cackled, "why is it that you and Aster are so persistent in judging the way I fight?"

"Because unlike the kangaroo I think you should already be a guardian, and fighting is definitely necessary," he flew ahead where the pond was, freezing it over before landing on it, "now let's work on your balance."

Bunny didn't bother catching up to you and Jack, he knew it would probably cause more problems. He watched the two of you talk on some boulders before heading towards the pond, no doubt Frost was going to do something. Bunny decided to look over the globe he had in the warren, Pitch was still out there, and the others have yet to find anything. It looked same as always, lights were still flickering, rotation balanced, nothing unusual. A sudden cry for help made his ears perk up, it was definitely from you, he took off towards your voice.

He hopped out from the boulders and shrubs to see you tangled in the willow tree vines directly over a frozen pond, "the bloody 'ell happened ere!"

You attempted to free yourself, "Jack was training me then he ran off to find you and the tree just grabbed me!"

Aster shook his head, he walked over and held his arms out, "ice won't last long ere, the bloody drongo knows betta" the tree carried you over too him where he caught you, "your lucky she caught ya." Your already bewildered self just became more confused.

"Hey what'd I miss?" Jack called down flying over a few trees, "oohhh maybe I'll go," he turned to fly away again.

Aster growled before yelling "Get your arse back ere Frost!" he even startled you into leaving his arms, not going to argue with him now. Jack slowly lowered himself trying not to say anything that would land a boomerang to the face. Aster put you down and marched over to the sprite, "the bloody hell were you thinking, I told you not to freeze the pond ova, but ya do and put 'er on top of it while it's melting!"

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